Spanish Dissident Cardinal insists Catholics are obliged to endless Synodality

Editor’s Note: If he wore a Cassock and insisted you accept the Council of Trent’s decrees, while offering the holy sacrifice of the Mass in the Ancient Roman Rite, you can be sure he would be called on the carpet for being a rigorist. So rigorism is out but tyrannical marxism is orthodoxy? Many Catholics are saying that the Vatican becomes a bigger joke day by day. It’s hard to disagree. — The article is biased, however, when it calls Cardinal Romero a “leading” African Cardinal. That’s hard to justify when he has less faithful under his diocese’s pastoral care than some priests in sub-saharan African have in their parish. His personal license, in addition, does not seem to be making him happier. He is only leading in his desire to break with what the Church has received from the past.

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