The Scamdemic was a U.S. Military Psyop — A Review

Editor’s Note: Keep watching this video and those like it, until you not only understand but realize the truth that the leaders of the world are psychopathic murderers and must be removed from office. A good number of Catholic Bishops, too, are complicit and will be damned for ever for what they did. You owe no obedience in Christ to someone who tried to kill you. Live it. Say it to everyone. — While as Christians, if they repent and ask forgiveness, we can forgive, politically we must never forgive or forget but remove all these persons from power and never promote or vote for them ever again.

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

5 thoughts on “The Scamdemic was a U.S. Military Psyop — A Review”

  1. Amen. I did not seek to use a fake vaccine card to save my economic well-being. I do not regret it. The jabbed are still mostly in denial. It is helpful to remind them of what their compliance did to those of us who are obedient to Christ and not to Elites.

  2. The nations were angry,
    and your wrath has come.
    The time has come for judging the dead,
    and for rewarding your servants the prophets
    and your people who revere your name,
    both great and small —
    and for destroying those who destroy the earth.” — Apocalypse of St. John 11:18

  3. Certainly, the destruction of life and nature that is currently going on offends God. Revelation 11:18 shows that God abhors that activity that is the work of the enemies of God. It may not be the time for the Final Judgment described in this verse but God will surely act globally to restore creation before these monsters destroy us all. St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle!

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