Are we now living in a Social Media Dictatorship?

AJ and Br. Bugnolo speak about the strange things happening in social media interaction, at the server level, and why this indicates that the Globalists are in the process of ratcheting down all social media freedom, in preparation for the next false flag, from to Bell Labs and back to Homeland Security. — Click the above to watch on OMC Radio TV, or watch below via Rumble.

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4 thoughts on “Are we now living in a Social Media Dictatorship?”

  1. The powers that should not be must not like this video. I watched this video a second time and had to go to the second page on Duckduckgo to find

  2. Thank you both for this illuminating conversation. It occurrs to me that “wherever two are gathered in my name, there too am I” has new significance, vis-a-vis social media … the one thing AI can’t fake is the presence of The Word. I’m praying a Rosary for you both. Signed, TFKmN (The Father Knows my Name)

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