Brian Holdsworth: This is a line we cannot cross, Fiducia supplicans is as bad as the MSM says

Editor’s Note: Holdsworth, a Canadian, does not discuss or address the Canonical Value of Fiducia Supplicans, but his theological qualification of the document points to the truth as Canonically Invalid, as I have explained here. — He is wrong when he says that something has changed, because he is confusing the sin of 3 persons, who signed the document, and the Faith of the Church which totally opposes it, as has been clearly explained by Archbishop Tomash Peta of St. Mary’s in Astana, Kazakhstan. And thus, by presuming the document is canonically valid, he speaks about his expectations of the disintegration of the Church as a whole and in Her parts. Whereas, the strong reaction of many Bishops makes it clear that the Church Militant has awakened and She will now keep Her sword unsheathen until She has bloodied it with the head and brains of the Dragon.

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