Editor’s Note: This news begs two questions, one facile, and one which gets to the roots of the controlled narrative of the Globalists. The first question is, “Why on earth are traditional Catholics being viewed by anyone as terrorists? — And that is easy, because the memo makes it clear that it was written by Bolsheviks, a terrorist movement founded by godless Jews, and that it presents its charge against Catholics in a cultural marxist sort of way, in which categories of right and wrong are flipped. — And the second, more profound question, “Since terrorists groups are nearly all funded by nation states, especially by the CIA, why on earth would the FBI be labeling traditional Catholics in the USA as terrorists?” — And to find the answer to that question requires that one reads up on the history of the Gladio network and begin to rip down the wall of received propaganda in your own mind, so that you can see what is really going on in the world and in the Church. I would recommend, for that purpose, you first read about the CIA plot to destroy the Catholic Church from within.
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Traditional Catholics are “terrorists” in the eyes of the satanists/luciferians running our nations and institutions — Christ and His faithful strike terror into the hearts of the wicked.