VATICAN FAKE DICASTERY to permit Convicted Pedophile to vote in next Papal Conclave

Editor’s Note: The Roman Curia has no such thing as a Discastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. The canonical body is the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. So just as Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation of petrine ministry canonically invalidated all acts of the Roman Curia until his death, so the Roman Curia could not in any way be altered during his retirement.

The purpose of the Roman Curia is to assist the Roman Pontiff in the exercise of his petrine munus’ ministry. When a pope retires or dies or during an anti-papacy, the Roman Curia cannot act, and if it does it acts in schism from Christ and without any juridical authority or prerogative: thus all its acts are invalid and not inspired by the Holy Spirit even with ordinary grace. In fact, all its acts are objective sacrileges, frauds and mortal sins.

This explains the perverse decision of the “Dicastery” in the above news story.

The Dicastery was “created” by Jorge Mario Bergoglio during his anti-papacy, which ran from his uncanonical election in March 13, 2013 to his juridical election on January 30, 2023. So far, Pope Francis has not confirmed the alteration of the Roman Curia with any juridical act. And this omission shows the superior prudence of the Assembly, in not telling him — a thing which was not necessary according to natural or Apostolic right, since he as a de facto habitual claimant of the office, but which “not telling him” rendered still uncanonical all his past acts.

The fake opposition which pretended to support Pope Benedict XVI as pope until his death (Cionci, Minutella & Barnhart), and the fake opposition which insisted Bergoglio was validly elected in 2013 (Marshall, CIA agent O’Reilly etc.), have both been united in criticizing the Assembly for not informing Pope Francis of his valid election: precisely because they want the past uncanonical acts validated, it seems. For there is no rational reason otherwise to insist.

What the Assembly achieved is yet to be appreciated in its profundity: it reunited the Mystical Body with Christ the Head through a validly elected Vicar, while acting in such wise to  leave invalid his anti-papacy and all its acts. This will allow the successor of Pope Francis, to be canonically elected and free of the baggage of the Bergoglian antipapacy, if he want. — In fact, by acting such, and on account of the “reformation” of the Roman Curia during the Antipapacy, all the acts of the Roman Curia remain invalid until such time as a pope confirms the reform or abolishes it.

This means for all the faithful that they are freed from a tremendous amount of interference in the practice of their faith. It also means that no Bishop can be asked to resign by the Roman Curia for any reason, legitimate or otherwise, unless acting on special mandate of the Roman Pontiff.

This saves the Church from the train wreck in progress, while obtaining for us all the facility of celebrating the Sacraments in union with Christ.

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7 thoughts on “VATICAN FAKE DICASTERY to permit Convicted Pedophile to vote in next Papal Conclave”

      1. No, as antipope he could not shut anything down. Pope Benedict XVI by retiring instead of resigning shut it down.

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