by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
I am writing to inform my readers that in the next month or so, I will not be publishing so many articles, here, at FromRome.Info due to the fact that I need to change my residence.
I use the place where I live as a Hermitage, since I am a Franciscan brother who lives like a hermit. But since I only was here because of a rental contract which expires at the end of this month; and since the owner has decided to sell the property, I will have to move.*
The only thing is, I do not have any place to go right now nor do I know of one.
I have already written the principal donors and supporters who have enabled me to pay my daily expenses in the last 3.5 years, and they have responded with enough funds for me to move.
But what I need is a property owner, with a house in the countryside (outside of the 5G coverage) would would be willing to let me use it, for free, or at least very little, since the regular support I get each month is now reduced to about as much as it costs me for everything but rent. — In different times, I would seek the free use of a hermitage from some Catholic Diocese, but because of my international reputation as a critic of clerical corruption, that will never be an option for me.
Also, since I am getting on in age, and since the work here at FromRome.Info is certainly going to become more intense during the next Plandemic, I sense that the time has come for me to offer to transfer all the intellectual property rights of FromRome.Info to the high bidder, so that these funds can go to supporting the hermitage where I will live in years to come. That way I can concentrate more on prayer and my health, which has begun the slow decline of old age. — If I get a healthy offer, I will resign as editor and publisher and let the new staff talk over everything. Contact me for more details (this offer includes server rental thru to June of 2025 A. D., since this is already paid for). — If not, I will plod on, but at a slower pace.
If you can help me find a place or would like to make a tentative bid for FromRome.Info, leave full contact information and your offer below in a comment, which I will not publish. — As a dual citizen of the United States of America and the Italian Republic, where I can go is limited.
Thank you one and all for all your help and support over the years. It was an honor to bring you the truth and do my little part in saving your souls and lives. Thank you most of all, however, for your prayers and kind words and honest criticisms. And a special thanks to all those who endured my typographical errors and brought them to my attention!
Finally, if you would like to help me with my expenses and moving costs, SEE THIS PAGE for ways to donate.
Thank you one and all, in advance.
For all those who are saddened by this announcement: God gave me the grace to raise a great torch of light high into the darkness of our age, for the salvation of His people: now, that you have seen the way forward, it is your duty to do the same. God never intended me to do it all. May you catch light from the torch I have lit, and pass it on to others!
* They offer to sell it to my benefactors for 400 hundred thousand euro, with which taxes would amount to 500 thousand.
Brother Alexis, I am a convert of 40 years, and I must say that I have learned so much from you. I wish you the very best, but at the same time I am very sad that you are leaving us. These end times are very hard to navigate.
Please don’t go now when we need you most as
a truth source…
The world is speeding off the rails and your site
a life line…
This is a sad day.
Thank you for all your work brother Bugnolo. Praying for things to work out for the best for you and also this website.
I echo others who lament that that you plan to sell You are a light in the darkness, and it the great reset will certainly be more difficult to resist and navigate without you.
Nevertheless, thanks for your efforts in proclaiming the truth in and out of season. May God continue to bless you and all your endeavours.
This is very sad.
The only news source I believed the author truly loved the truth, even though I disagree with some of his views. Where are the readers going to get their news?
Thank you for your work Br. What would happen to A.J.?
AJ will keep doing OMC Radio TV, because that is another website and on a different server. I will do some shows with him as I can.
Why don’t you ask AJ to preserve FromRome in his server — so people can continue to use it as a permanent reference.
If I leave FromRome.Info, I will require the new owner to keep all the old files available, obviously.
Very sad news indeed. So much loss over the last few years yet the Lord walks this road with us. Although we never met and are not likely to this side of heaven, I consider you a true brother and will continue to pray for you. Please let us know how you are doing every now and then. God bless and keep you.
Tried to send donation with credit cardbut I don’t believe It went through…
No, it did not. When using PayPal, you have to have your cookies turned on in your device’s browser.
Thank you.
Brother, I wish I could do more for you materially, but unfortunately, I don’t have the resources. But I pray for you.
Prayers make hearts go round. Please keep them up. They are precious.
Would relocation to USA be an option, or you plan to remain in Italy.
If benefactors raised up the “sale” amount for deed title to the hermitage, what would be the annual or monthly expenses necessary to maintain it and not losing the initial 500,000 investment to acquire thr property. Would this complicate you plans to downsize and revert to mainly a personal prayer vocation with Our Lord?
As far as, if taken over by a buyout of the site, would it complicate your plans for a simple life of prayers if the buyer had you become the day to day operator of the website and what would be the monetary implications in the future to maintain the website active. Monetizing the website by selling it might help in your future requirements just for a basic sustenance of life supplemented by continued support of personal expense benefactors.
I still would like to see continue. May God’s Will be done.
Brother Alexis, God is with us. May He and Our Lady guide us to help you come up with a satisfactory solution that will honor and praise His Holy Name.
If I cannot find a place in Europe, suitable to prayer or my work for Ordo Militaris Catholicus, then I will have to return to the States, yes.
If the benefactors purchase this place, the taxes on the land — if owned by a single benefactor who has no property in Italy, they would be 0 per year;if owned by a charitable foundation, about 900 euro a year. The insurance is 400 euro a year, and the garbage tax, for daily pick up, is 300 roughly. The water bill is about 30 euro every 3 months. So you can see the yearly cost is very low. At present, with the solar panels, the electricity is about 30 euro a month, the gas to heat the first floor costs annually about 2000 euro, to maintain the house at 70 degrees F (20 c). Both bathrooms have tub, sink, toilet, and bidet, and hookup for washer and dryer.
The Land is 5+ hectares of forest and fields (the field produced 7 large rolls of hay this year) and a house of 300 mq, or roughly 3300 sq ft, of which the ground floor is livable, the upper floor is not insulated; all the windows on both floors leek and are single pane; the furnace is apt for only one floor, it does not have the power to heat both; heat is by forced hot water; there are solar panels which give free electricity during the day; up to 8 kw hours during the night on the battery; the furnace is dual electric (heat pump) and gas; there is a tank to hold 200 gallons GPL. To heat the ground floor is 15 liters a day max (deepest winter), to heat the upper floor at present not even 45 liters a day raises it to 60 degrees F (15 C), and thus it has never been used. There is also a fireplace ad pizza oven on the ground floor and a cast iron stove on the upper. There are 2 kitchens. The chapel is on the ground floor. The house by law is for 4 inhabitants, but for short stays, with the proper bedding, it could host 20 youth. All the property is fenced; there are two gates for security; the house has city water, and a well (non sanitary). There are 2 bathrooms. There are 5 bedrooms, 2 storage room, 2 living rooms (one used as a chapel, other not heated). There is an attic of about 100 sq m for storage, with low ceiing. All floors communicate by exterior stars. Repairs in the near future are parts of the gutter system for the roof. All the windows (2500 euro each, I am told), 10 windows 3 glass doors, let the winds and/or rain through during storm (bc they are wood and no longer close against the marble sills). — The sale of the hay garners about 120 euro, since the local farmers want high prices to cut it, and only offer 25% value when buying it.
The sewer line outside the house leading to the septic tank needs to be redesigned, perhaps a cost of 10 thousand euros, as it is only a question of laying larger pipe with curved not right angel intersections.
The monthly maintenance cost is very low. Let us pray that a millionaire will purchase the property and let you stay there for as long as you live.
If you “sell” the intellectual properties of FromRome, wouldn’t that give the new owner the right to delete any files and contents as he so pleases? Therefore, he or she could potentially alter the old files and your hard works, and change the true spirit and original purpose of From Rome?
It can be put in a contract. But a new owner might not want to maintain them, and thus, only buy the name of the site. In that case I will keep a copy of the articles, and maybe write a book some day.
Br. Alexis, if we have been contributing to your expenses at the Hermitage, should we continue for the time being until you settle somewhere else?
Funds for the Hermitage will go to my next hermitage and my move there. So yes, please. Contariwise, if a benefactor purchases the place here and gives it to a charitable foundation, to be a hermitage, the funds for the hermitage fund will go to the expenses of maintaining that.
Dear Br. Alexis: I am very sad to see you go, but God-willing, we’ll make contact somehow in the future. I want you to know that you’ve helped me a lot in these difficult times and I sincerely appreciate it. Continue letting yourself be guided by the Holy Spirit. I’ll keep you in prayers and please do the same for me. Blessings!
Thank you!
Dear Fra Bugnolo,
I am convinced Our Lord already has a place for you to continue your work. If I am correct, Europe will soon become a dangerous place to reside. In particular France and Italy. All will be fine in the end. I hope my measly donations are added to many others coming in the days to come. God bless you and keep you safe!
Thank you. Where God wants me to go, I am not afraid, for I trust in Him.
God bless you, Br. Bugnolo. You are always in my prayers. I appreciate all that you have done for us. May God reward you and our Lady protect you always!
Thank you.
Dear Br. Bugnolo,
I am sincerely grateful to you for all you have done for us! Because of you and our Lord Jesus Christ I know the truth and you have my word that I will help spread it !
Your courage is unlike anything I have seen.
AJ, you are also a blessing in my life!
With love and God bless, Lois
Dear Brother Alexis, a huge THANKYOU! for your tireless work in recent years in always endeavouring to provide your readers with the unvarnished Truth of any situation both inside and outside the Church.
Your many explanations of & commentaries on the 2020 Scamdemic are still vivid in my mind, but I strongly believe that your lasting ‘legacy’ which is an integral part of Church history, was the organisation of an election for the valid papal successor to Benedict XVI – a subject which no other Catholic apostolate in the world [to the best of my knowledge…] and no member of the Church’s hierarchy, was prepared to tackle!
[And I felt very privileged to be able to contribute a modest sum towards the considerable expenses of this election.]
The Epistle [Hebrews 10: 32-38] and Gospel [St Matthew 24: 3-13] for today’s [19th September] Feast of St Januarius and his companions are both highly appropriate, sobering reading for the situations we see in the Church and the world today.
Here is the Gospel:-
“At that time, as Jesus was sitting on Mount Olivet, the disciples came to Him privately, saying: Tell us when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of Thy coming and of the consummation of the world?
And Jesus answering, said to them: Take heed that no man seduce you. For many will come in My name, saying: I am Christ: and they will seduce many. For you shall hear of wars and rumours of wars. See that ye be not troubled. For these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be pestilences, and famines, and earthquakes in places. Now all these are the beginnings of sorrows.
Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall put you to death: and you shall be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. And then shall many be scandalised, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall seduce many. And because iniquity hath abounded, the charity of many shall grow cold.
But he that shall persevere to the end, he shall be saved.”
DEO gratias.
That’s exactly what I would have said if I’d have thought of the words.
And may Almighty GOD bless & protect you.
Let us pray that Divine Providence guides Brother Alexis on to an inspiring and spiritually rewarding path at this time, and that this website is able to continue and to thrive “under new management”.
The ‘election’ of 30 jan. Is another such delusion, which is why now even Alexis is looking for canonic means to dispose the man ‘he allegedly single handedly’ elected. Further a treasure of posts on how to survive these present times. We all need faith because worse is still to come. And Alexis always fails at last minute when his love money gains the upper hand..
Search for True is a professional MKUltra troll attempting to undermind the removal of Bergoglio and the unity of the Catholic Church. Br. Bugnolo has always worked for the unity of the Church in truth according to the norms of law. Search4True is part of the cabal which opposed the election of a better candidate than Bergoglio as Pope Benedict XVI’s successor and now wants to prevent his removal by trolling Br. Bugnolo’s efforts on different platforms, from different ips in the Netherlands, land of the Bilderburgers. — Search4True’s masonic agenda is thus totally transparent. — BTW, Br. Bugnolo never received a penny from the fund raising for the Assemblly. He only received a heap of abuse from Masons and intel agents, and a bad 30 day cold.
Hahaha……you must be an internet demon always seeking to undermine the TRUTH……by satan’s usual strategy of Deception which creates Division which creates Distraction which creates Discouragement and Despair……
So, may the Blessed Virgin Mary and Holy Michael the Archangel crush you, evil spirit, and return you to the fires of hell for all eternity……
Gosh…YOU WILL BE MISSED. Wish it were possible to help you since you’ve blessed everyone so much with your work…A true warrior for God. Sorry to hear you’ve suffered illness and wondered last year at that chronic cough which seems to be gone. Don’t hear the congestion apparent in your voice when you speak any longer. PRAYING ALWAYS FOR OUR FAITHFUL HOLY PEOPLE.
I got rid of my chronic cough, during my 2 months in the USA, since I slept in warm dry air. The region here in Italy is not only highly humid all year round but has high NO2 levels due to nearby industrial and traffic pollution.
I am numb from this announcement. I have eagerly read and supported your efforts. You have been the Catholic Voice I have sought. I fully understand your reasons, and hope that I can continue to support you in your future venture. May God be with you.
FromRome.Info consumed all my spare time for these 4 years, while I was in Italy where I have no place to stay except by paying for it. It really needs to be run by someone who already has a home. I have readers who really love FromRome.Info and truly love me personally. However, as a Franciscan brother, critic of ecclesiastical corruption and maligned from all sides, while defended from none, all my readers together do not support me sufficiently to pay my expenses. In the cause of Pope Benedict XVI I racked up more than 20,000 USD in debts, and have not be able to pay them back. So the force of economics, my deteriorating health, and the insistence of the landlord that I serve him and he keep making bigger demands on me, means that something has to give. I am only a man of flesh. — And my landlord acted in a most treacherous way to me, because we agreed to renew the contract in July, but he waited to mid September to offer a must restricted contract, more costly and with the clause I leave whenver he sells the house, and with the demand I get out by Oct 1 with all my things, even if I have no where to go. In Italy this is a grave crime, he knows it; but does not care, because he knows I do not have the friends or money to do anything about it. Well, if my readers know anything, they know I am not a man to be extorted. So I am leaving. Even though it means I have to put up for a fire sale, yard sale, all the supplies I bought to survive the pandemic, since transportation costs for them would exceed their value, even if I had a place to go nearby in Italy, which I do not. — You know, despite all the calumnies hurled against me, I truly live as a Franciscan brother; I have no bank account, income, pension, medical insurance, salary, nor receive financing or support from state or church. But I still have all the expenses of someone who does with a job. So I only am alive because of my benefactors, and I do live from one day to another and from one month to another on their good will. And they are not principally Italians, because while I have been in Italy 4 years minus 1 month, if I had to depend solely on Italians, I would be 12000 in debt and dead 3 years and 6 months ago.
Many thanks for this heartfelt update, Brother Alexis.
I was planning to start contributing a monthly donation to ‘Ordo Militaris Catholicus’ within the next few days but, in view of your unfortunate current circumstances, I will delay that until next month and send the funds to you instead.
May Almighty GOD continue to bless, protect, and direct you at this time of many challenges.
Thank you.
Br. Alexis,
May God bless you and keep you and Mary cover you with her mantle of protection. I strongly agree with Steve Knight regarding your lasting legacy being your defense of Pope Benedict XVI and the election of his successor. May He reward you for defending His Vicar. Prayers that you may be guided in these difficult times and please, if possible, I hope to continue to hear from you. You are a guiding light.
From the bottom of my heart I thank you brother Alexis. I will pray to Lord Jesus, that you will have a change of heart regarding this decision. It will be very sad to let you go. You were very reliable source of info about what’s going on in Catholic Church. There’s a very few like you and it is a little scary to have to continue without you. Please, you have my number, if ever a situation arouses, worst, that this one right now, please contact me, I will share the little i have with you, if I will know where you can be reached or found. I am in a very difficult situation myself, but one day (Jesus forbid) I may be reacher than you. May Lord Jesus bless you brother Alexis. Thank you again.
Brother Alexis:
You will be in my prayer always I become one donor to your survival needs please let us know where you go. Thank you for sharing the truth and the word of God the almighty . I wish my husband will have converted before you go so he can understand the truth. If you can please pray for his conversion I will be grateful for live. His name is Abraham Ocampo.
Thank you again for everything you have done for this world and humanity.
I will pray earnestly to Our Lady of Mercy, whose feast is today! for Abraham.
Just tried again to send you some help
Just tell me if it got to you
Praying for you
Yes, it did. Thank you! And may Saint Francis watch over you and your loved ones!