Editor’s Note: Bishop Howard James Hubbard, a name that will live in infamy, was appointed Bishop of Albany, New York, the year before Pope Paul VI died. He was notorious for doing everything he could to destroy the once thriving Catholic Diocese of the State Capital.
Numerous appeals and hundreds of pages of documentation was sent to John Paul II to have him removed. Appointed at the age of only 38, he was notorious for his heresies, immorality, and having such an malign voice that several priests died of heart attacks after merely meeting with him in private. He finally resigned after multiple accusations regarding the sexual abuse of minors, and multiple accusations of protecting sexual predators.
And to top it off, now, at the age of 75, he has now decided to ditch being a Bishop, having married civilly a month ago.
So effective was he in his destruction of the local Church, that as he closed hundreds of parishes, strangely enough, in the same period hundreds of Buddhist Temples opened up across his Diocese.
It is the common teaching of all the Fathers and Doctors and Catholic Theologians that holiness of life is marked by God the Holy Ghost with the gifts of grace, among which is prudence and discernment. A pope who knows of the gross immorality of a bishop and does nothing, because he cannot discern it being present, or refuses to act, is without a doubt not a Saint and NOT led by the Holy Ghost. Such was John Paul II.
As for the faithful who complained, for the last 50 years about this man, today’s news is no surprise. Not in the least bit. Because, unlike John Paul II, we are friends of the Holy Spirit and He moved us to detest this “newly married” man for his sins long ago.
Modernism at its peak.
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen gave us laity a role to write to bishops so that they become aware that Jesus hired them to tend His sheep. Not to eat them.
What a filthy old man.
Brother, if a priest is laicised, can he really marry? Is he not a priest forever?
A civil marriage is not matrimony. He sins gravely by contracting one, but this guy never had a conscience. He is a sociopath, in the very least.