Check your Mailboxes …. for a letter from Br. Bugnolo

Dear benefactors and supporters of Br. Bugnolo, of, please check your email boxes associated with your sending support in the last 2 years, to find the letter from Br. Bugnolo about an important project. As nearly 120 of you have not opened your email box in the last 3 days, we are sending this public notice to all the readers. — Don’t feel left out if you did not get a copy, because Br. Bugnolo did not want to bother everyone.

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

2 thoughts on “Check your Mailboxes …. for a letter from Br. Bugnolo”

  1. From the UK:
    My email has been suspended for strange technical reasons I do not understand so that messages sent to my address bounce.
    I wonder if the other 120 are having the same problem?

    I find it strangely easy living without reading / answering the 100+ emails that used to take up my mornings.
    Intelligent People wondering if I am dead either phone my landline, (Quelle concept!) or write to me by antique snail-mail. Other people just think I must be dead.
    It’s an ill wind, etc; & It’s restful.

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