Mafia of St. Gallen Nuncio to Germany praises 90th Anniversary of treaty with Hitler

Editor’s Note: This is a significant note about how everything in the Vatican has been off for 90 years. Pope Pius XII bought the “liberty” of the Church in the Nazi Regime by asking Catholics to join the Nazi party. That treaty has never been repudiated, and, you would think the Allies after WWII would have demanded it be, unless, the allied liberation of Europe was something other than it was sold to us in the history books. A lot of critics of mine took as absurd all the information I have posted in the last 9 years, nearly, at FromRome.Info regarding the evidence which points to a close connection between the House of Rampolla, the Nazi Regime, Skull and bones, the P2 Lodge and Bergoglio as the operative chosen by them all to rule at the Vatican. — I think the reaction of the Germany Nuncio, chosen in Sept. of 2013, when Bergoglio had not the petrine munus to do it, simply confirms everything I have ever written.

The Church in the Middle Ages was confronted with a similar crisis, that of Lay Investiture, wherein laymen with sovereign powers, insisted on naming the Bishops of the Sees in their domains. Some went so far as to appoint Popes!

In response, God raised up St. Hildebrand, who as Pope Gregory VIII began a century of opposition to this abusive corruption. In our own days, we have seen disastrous political decisions by popes since the 18th century, which has led to a long and decisive decline in both the liberty of the Church and the morality of the clergy.

Let us pray, therefore, that God raises up a worthy successor of Pope St. Gregory VIII to begin a new age of ecclesial reform and a holy war against all Christ’s enemies.

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2 thoughts on “Mafia of St. Gallen Nuncio to Germany praises 90th Anniversary of treaty with Hitler”

  1. I had a quick delve into some of your articles dating back to 2015 on the House of Rampolla.

    Edward Henry Cardinal Howard consecrated Mariano Cardinal Rampolla del Tindaro.
    Although he inherited no title, Edward Howard was a member of the family of the Dukes of Norfolk – arguably the most influential Catholic family in England at the time, being a very rare recusant Catholic noble family that retained their titles and land.

    He was born on 13 February 1829.
    King George IV gave the Roman Catholic Relief Act – commonly referred to as the Catholic Emancipation Act – his Royal Assent on 13 April 1829. (This Act was precipitated by a Catholic lawyer, Daniel O’Connell, winning a Parliamentary election in County Clare, Ireland on 5 July 1828 – as a Catholic, he could not take up his seat as an MP in the House of Commons.)

    Notable coincidence that he was born exactly 3 months before the dawn of “Catholic emancipation” in the UK.

    His elevation to Cardinal – the fifth English man following Catholic emancipation – in 1877, was almost mid way between those of Henry Edward Cardinal Manning, 1875 and John Henry Cardinal Newman, 1879.

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