VATICAN: Pope Francis names 21 more Cardinals

Editor’s Note: Previous to these nominations, the list of Cardinals eligible to vote in the next Conclave was as found here: — That list should be updated in about a week.

The consoling thought about the College of Cardinals, is that 95% of those still eligible to vote for the next Pope were born before Vatican II. An amazing untold fact, which will undoubtedly be the cause of a big surprise in the next Conclave.

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3 thoughts on “VATICAN: Pope Francis names 21 more Cardinals”

  1. I am curious about something, he has appointed an awful lot of new cardinals over the years, doesn’t one have to either die or resign in order for a new one to be appointed or can he just add as many as he wants?

    1. A pope cam add as many as he wants, and he seems so eager about it, that I suspect someone is paying for each nomination, that is, the different cliques in the Church are each trying to buy as many as they can.

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