Head of Fake Dicastery is more heretical than Luther, who wanted Heretics punished

Editor’s Note: God is Truth, and those who mock Truth by saying it is just as good as error, will know His Mighty Wrath. For God strikes with madness those whom He is about to punish mightily.

It is obvious what is going on here, gross immorality attempting to defend itself by eliminating the Letters of St. Paul from the deposit of the Faith. It ain’t going to work, since the Apostles Sts. Peter and Paul live forever and reign over the Church of Rome, and those who despise their teaching earn their indignation, which is terrible when it manifests itself.

But for those who refused to recognize who is the true Pope and for those who refused to acknowledge that St. Peter left to the Church of Rome the right to elect his successors, both groups will reap despair from their sins against the Faith.

For we, however, who keep the Faith of the Apostles, it is easy to see what difference it makes in the government of the Church, the Prayer of the High Priest, Jesus Christ, for a true pope appointing a head of a true Congregation to guard the faith, and a true Pope appointing the head of a non-existent dicastery (non-existent, because he failed to repromulgate his own invalid decree reorganizing the Roman curia).

Christ is the supreme Lawgiver, and He is supremely keen on the principles of law and right. He does not waste His Prayer for Peter on things which do not regard Peter. Knowing that, keeps you in the Church. Refusing to acknowledge that makes you in our heart a blasphemer of the Living God and puts you outside Her impugnable walls.

Here, the ex-head of the real Congregation, constituted by Christ’s Vicar, admits this new guy was under suspicion of heresy.

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One thought on “Head of Fake Dicastery is more heretical than Luther, who wanted Heretics punished”

  1. I understand that this so-called dicastery is fake. I can’t work out what Francis thinks he is doing.

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