Editor’s Note: I understand that many have great respect for the Polish Pope, but it is a fact of history that his book, Love and Responsibility (replete with diagrams about copulation) was given to conservative seminarians to break them down and cause them to lose purity. That the Polish Pope was adored by institutes which turned out to be founded by sexual predators, thus, does not surprise me at all, and I hope that this correlation will help Catholics everywhere realize that he should not have been raised to the dignity of the altar, and should be torn down from there. In addition, he promoted to the dignity of cardinal and bishop some of the worst perverts in modern history, when there were much better candidates to be had. Not a saint. Period. Because the Saints are given light by God to read souls and discern spirits.
18 thoughts on “VATICAN: Another Order promoted by John Paul II, turns out to be rotten to the core”
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I am not surprised at all but also saddened with how Catholics are SOO blind to this disgrace of a “Pope” . They love him as if he were God Himself and he wasn’t, and never will be…
This matter is way more complicated than you can imagine.
The perversion’s roots are in the 50’s !
Fr Philippe has been teaching philosophy at the university of Fribourg for nearly 49 years was universally acclaimed as a bulwark of orthodox teaching at a time when the Dominican order had to face multiple heresies . Once a week at night he also gave free lectures of spirituality to a crowded audience.
He founded St John because young people with a vocation wouldn’t join any diocesan seminary or religious communities.
He frequently traveled to Paris and elsewhere to give lectures and retreats.
It now seems that it was only in private that he allowed himself to be perverted.
Please read :
Frères Philippe: «une subversion dont la durée dit la force» – Portail catholique suisse
Alas, orthodoxy in doctrine in matters of verbal expressions does not a Saint make. There must be moral compliance with the Decalogue. And now wishy washy interpretations in regard to the 6th or 9th commandment, or all else falls quickly …
The point is that both brothers Philippe had been condemned as early as 1956-1957, during the pontificate of Pius XII, but not publicly. Even his fellow Dominican professors at Fribourg never knew of this until the nineties. I myself have studied at Fribourg in the seventies without ever having been aware. The one to blame is the Master General of the Dominicans of that time.
I overrode my radar to love. . .frequently. 🤔 You have given me much to consider. Hmm. He was a big influence on me. I need to rethink.
Isn’t repenting your sins before the Lord and confessing them all and returning to His embrace by receiving Him in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Holy Communion the path of all saints?
No matter who the sinner is.
Yes, so long as repentance is not merely an emotional movement of the spirit, or body, nor merely an intention of the mind, or intellectual recognition, but includes with all of these things, an utter detestation of the sin and the vice which bore it fruit and the firm movement of the will against ever participating in these again. — Which is why it is demonic to make excuses for the slightest sin of impurity, as that opens the way to perdition by closing the way to repentance.
His scandalous Theology of the Body comes to mind.
I read an (alleged) quotation from Fr. Amorth that he enjoyed much success in exorcism by invoking the canonised Polish Pope.
Have you heard of this before Br.? I may have read it on this site, and, well, wonder as to its authenticity.
No I have not. What kind of a nut would invoke any saints but the most powerful like Our Lady, St. Michael, St. Joseph, during an exorcism. It is, after all, an emergency spiritual medical procedure, and not a time for butt kissing …
Il mio nome è Satana. Storie di esorcismi dal Vaticano a Medjugorje Copertina flessibile – 9 settembre 2020
di Fabio Marchese Ragona (Autore)
St. Pope John Paul II is the saint to be invoked for youths. I remember seeing this on Vatican Press.
Problem is that no Pope has yet canonized him.
Benedict beatified JPII but didn’t the antipope canonise him, therefore it was invalid? Maybe Benedict was coerced?
the canonizations of an antipope are invalid.
Worse and worse. Very upsetting!
“it is a fact of history that his book, Love and Responsibility (replete with diagrams about copulation) was given to conservative seminarians to break them down and cause them to lose purity.”
The copy I have seen of Love and Responsibility (Ignatius Press, 1993) has no diagrams or illustrations whatsoever.
Which edition are you referring to?
You got the cleaned version. Ignatius Press would not publish the diagrams. I saw the 1988 version I think.