Seeing is believing

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

It used to be an article of the faith, for me, that there are Catholic Bishops in this world. But as I never met one, I simply believed it.  Now I have met the reality, and found that we agree on everything.

It was a great consolation, to be invited to visit, and a total consolation to have made the trip, to the home of the Most  Rev. René Henry Gracida, Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, the 2nd oldest living bishop in the Catholic Church.

Then last night, I gave a conference to a small group of Catholic men, about how to survive all the problems in the Church and serve Jesus Christ as He wills.

I also spoke about my work at CrossAzure.Org, and the wonderful work that is being done by so many helping the cause in Ukraine, and on how important it is that Pope Francis consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart, as the only means of salvation for the Church in the modern world.

I want especially to thank my dear Benefactress in Tennessee whose donation made this trip possible.

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18 thoughts on “Seeing is believing”

  1. Very happy for you brother that you were able to visit with the Bishop. So good to hear that the meeting and trip went well.
    Have a safe trip back home.

  2. Oh, my dear and wonderful Br Bugnolo, God is So Good. I’m thrilled for you that you made the pilgrimage to meet and visit Excellency Gracida in Sinton TX.

    He is my Shepherd for many years now, as my geographic ordinary is a near occasion of sin for me.

    I know he’s thrilled about your works and will remember you in his prayers always!

    And blessings and prayers for your benefactoress!

    Pax et Bonum.
    Fondly from Sacramento CA USA, France
    ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

    1. He is a living miracle. He has the health of a 70 year old and a very clear mind, yet he will be 100 in June. I joked with him, saying, well Mose lived until 120!

  3. What a joy for you to meet each other!
    What a joy it is for mel to see this photograph of you two together!
    Bless your benefactress in Tennessee for making this. possible!

  4. I am so very happy that you were able to visit with Bishop Gracida! Prayers for both of you. Prayers for safety in your travels, and prayers for your benefactress.

  5. What a blessing! So edifying and encouraging and through his guidance and blessing may your apostolate bear much fruit and continue to grow all for the glory of God!

  6. Wonderful…Such a privilege to journey on pilgrimage to visit The Most Reverend Gracida and discuss God’s good work being carried-out through your time, skills and organization.
    God Bless You, Your Benefactress, Bishop Gracida and all the Catholic men you’ve been fortunate to fellowship with providing much needed healing. God is so awesome to guide us into community to provide strength and spiritual rejuvenation.
    That picture indicates that cough to now be kicked as your looking fit as a fiddle again. God Bless You and Give Safe Travels.
    Viva Cristo Rey!!!

  7. Dear Brother Alexis and Bishop Gracida,

    It is so good that you published this photo to commemorate the meeting of two great servants of God. May God continue to bless you both. This will be a photo I will share with my family.

  8. What a blessing for you, Br Bugnolo to meet up with Bp Gracida and I hope for him also.

    You have both bought much consolation to so many of us in our struggles to see what was happening with antipope Bergoglio and latterly Pope Francis.

    Hoping that this joyful meeting and your time at home with family will see your health restored.

    Take your time, though. You truly deserve a decent time of rest, recuperation and recreation.

  9. Many thanks for this update, Brother Alexis and it is indeed good to know that you have found a ‘kindred spirit’ in Bishop Gracida.
    So I look forward to your report once you have met AJ Baalman for the very first time!

    And, yes, it is so VERY important that Pope Francis consecrates Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady, in conjunction with all the bishops of the world, so that Her specific request contained in the 3rd Fatima apparition on July 13th 1917 [and repeated to Sister Lucia in 1929] will … finally … be honoured !!


  10. The nun who taught me biology in High School in Baltimore in 1960 died last year at age 104; may the good Bishop remain in good health much longer than that!

  11. It’s good to see your smile again! Very happy for you and Bishop Gracida that you were able to meet, and that you could give a talk again in your homeland. God bless and reward you both, and your Benefactress too. 🙏

  12. Grazie, questo è il sorriso del Giusto…Testimonianza di essere nel giusto per noi e nella Chiesa, Una Santa, Cattolica e Apostolica…Preghiamo anche affinché il Papa dica No al terribile Sinodo e suoi contenuti, che sono contro la Dottrina, la Fede e la morale…Si attacca la Famiglia e la Vita e la Dignità della persona. Preghiamo e Grazie

  13. Thank you Most Rev. Bishop Gracida and Brother Bugnolo for your faithfulness and witness to Christ our King.

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