Chronology of the Triumph of the Lamb of God

This Chronology has been appended to the original article, “The Triumph of the Lamb of God: Theology and Chronology“, by Br. Alexis Bugnolo


And hence, I recapitulate here the articles which demonstrate the Triumph of the Lamb of God, which occurred on January 30, 2023

To understand this historical event, one must first understand well what happened on February 11, 2013 A. D.:

The Index to Pope Benedict XVI’s renunciation

Then it is necessary to understand, that, since Pope Benedict XVI never abdicated, that with his death, it was an absolute canonical necessity to elect his Successor. I spoke of this several times, after 2013, documenting the entire rationale and procedure for the election and how it was juridically and canonically valid:

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8 thoughts on “Chronology of the Triumph of the Lamb of God”

  1. In the Prayers for Holy Communion at EVERY TLM we pray with the priest:
    a) Prayer for Peace
    O LORD Jesus Christ, Who didst say to Thy Apostles, peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: regard not my sins, but the faith of Thy Church, and vouchsafe to her that peace and unity which is agreeable to Thy will. Who livest and reignest, God, forever and ever. Amen.

    In this fullness of time, the present state of affairs is precisely the unity which is agreeable to [His] will.

    God’s plans are far and above my plans. His understanding of the BIG, eternal picture is far and above my understanding; and for this reason I rejoice.

    Think about it: Who would be so puny as to want a God Who thinks and plans like I do?

    1. Exactly. That is why, just as a wife must be ready to move if her husband decides for the good of the family to live in another place, so we must be ready to move with Jesus if He makes a move we never expected. After all, it is His Church, not ours.

      1. Agreed.

        May I add that it seems to me that at this time, because, as you’ve pointed out, She is His Church and because of our ongoing communal and individual rejection of God especially in the binding and loosing power that He has given to Her, this state of Schism in the visible Church is precisely the level of unity that is “agreeable to His will”.

        I pray that the outpouring of grace now available through the Masses celebrated in union with Pope Francis I will overcome our stubborn, prideful, ungrateful, hard heartedness which is THE obstacle to the perfection of unity for which Our Lord prays and for which we acted on January 30, 2023.

        God bless you, Br Bugnolo.

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