The Wrath of God is about to fall upon the United States of America

by Br. Alexis Bugnoolo

Within hours or days, the Inexorable and inescapable Wrath of God is going to fall upon the United States of America, as Joe Biden puts pen to paper and signs into law the 2022 “Defense of Marriage Act” which will require all the States of the United States to recognize the abomination of sodomitic unions as a form of that institution of human civilization, given to us by our Divine Creator, called “marriage”.

I deride publicly those who said, “It does not matter who is the president” and did nothing to ensure election integrity nor to form a Catholic party. These are like those who say, “It does not matter who is the Pope” and do nothing to restore Christ’s true Vicar, Pope Benedict! These mockers of God will have their teeth smashed in for all eternity for the audacity of their blasphemies against the  Will of God.

But in regard to today’s news, this sacrilegious and despicable effrontery to the Divine Majesty of the Creator of Heaven and Earth, perpetrated by the U. S. Federal Government against Marriage, will not go without punishment. And the punishment for such a sin is clearly stated in the Bible.

And as this law is accepted in the U.S.A., everyone will become guilty there of this sin, except those involved in civil disobedience. And for that universal sin, there is merited a universal punishment.

Don’t be fooled by those who say otherwise…

Various reports, such as this one, launched by men and woman who have blinded themselves by godless lives, are emphasizing that Christians will not be obliged to recognize these marriages. But this is a lie, because Christians in government offices will be, and thus will be fired from their jobs, in government, if they do not. This will be extended to most corporations and work places.

A godless persecution will then break out. This is nothing short of a Civil War scenario where Sodom is on jihad against Christ.

God will not be mocked. The Wrath is incoming!

St. Hildegard of Bingen prophesied in the 12th century, that in the end, because of the great sins of mankind God would send fire from the sky. Other Blesseds confirm this saying only part of Italy will be spared for the sake of the Vicar of Christ. Finally, Our Lady at Akita said 2/3 of humanity will be wiped out by fire falling from the sky, good and wicked alike.

That time is approaching.

Repent, while there is still time. And arm up…


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32 thoughts on “The Wrath of God is about to fall upon the United States of America”

  1. What are we supposed to do.?? Even when we vote
    our vote is cancelled… I don’t think there are enough
    Americans who would rise up to throw out the
    Satanic and evil government that has taken over
    America.. It’s terrifying.. You see where it’s heading
    But you can’t stop it….

    1. You can demand that your State Govt. invoked the 10th amendment and declares an act of nullification against this law.

      1. That’s true, but a slow process, too, requiring the legislature to act on it. I can see perhaps an handful of states’ legislatures and governors completing that process, over the next several months, but no more. Either not enough members of the legislature to pass the legislation, or a spineless governor too scared, or political-minded, to sign it. Either way, it would be well into next year before any could enact a nullification, unless it gets fast tracked onto SCOTUS’ agenda and declared unconstitutional as written.
        However, since attacking Yhwh God, through His saints, IS the real intent, getting this undone is unlikely at best now. One of the states that might have acted to do so, just got stolen, by vote fraud, and personal threats, from the voters.
        That said, the “natural” disasters that have been hitting the US, are not “climate change”, despite the claims, any more than the uptick in the frequency of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions is, around the world. We are not alone in allowing this sin, nor will we be in its punishment. But because of how America was founded, how all our Founding Documents read, from the Mayflower Compact, to all 50 states’ Constitutions, yes, America will be hit harder, almost certainly. However, I don’t believe that is intended for the “remnant” of the Church, the real saints. Our judgment has already been accomplished, at Calvary, nearly 2K years ago, and we will not be judged again; our debt is paid. Be listening for the shout, and a long blast from a shofar to announce the bridegroom coming.

      2. Unless Catholics begin to build strong communities, just like in the early 19th century, or an intervention from Christ Himself, the generations replacing the Boomers will go along and see no issue with this.

        We have a strong remnant scattered throughout the 50 States, which is good, but that’s not going to do it, unless God intervenes.

        Also, there’s already a playbook on how to subvert, bore from the inside and destroy every possible organized group of people with a common objective.

        America (the idea) will do anything to ensure its experience will not sway from its foundational Liberal Order.

        Christ have mercy on America

      3. Still no saints menționed anything about vaccines or needles or little arrows or anything related. ..

      4. Our Lord spoke about this, in my opinion,

        As for no Saints speaking about it, how do we know none have spoken about it? All we know is that we do not know if the have.

        St. Hildegard of Bingen and Melanie of La Salette do speak about it, perhaps, because they both say that in a certain future moment all the enemies of God will drop dead and the world will be like a wasteland.

  2. The majority of so called conservatives, are in agreement with this redefinition or don’t think it’s a big deal, Divine Law is not even considered in their minds.

    This is why, most states will make abortion law, very few will push against it – Indiana’s abortion ban was just blocked by a judge due to violating religious freedoms of the Satanic Temple, Jewish Organizations, Muslim groups, etc.

    This is the fault line, I guess it always has been, Divine Law or Man’s (evil) Positive Law.

    We’ve crossed the Rubicon.

    Viva Cristo Rey!

    1. How does banning the murderof 1 group of people violate the rights of any religious group, with the possible exception of Satanists, since it is banned BY those very groups for OTHER people. Satanists still believe in human sacrifice. The others listed DO NOT, according to their sacred writings. That claim is ridiculous on its face! Murder is murder and an human being, known by Yhwh God is an human being. Jewish law (see also Decalogue) contains the command ” thou shalt not murder” without qualifiers as to age, sex, religion, etc. That was written by Yhwh God Himself, so there can be no higher law anywhere.

  3. You cannot hide from God’s Wrath, but now is the time to choose to DIE AS A FRIEND OF GOD.

    Wielding your Christian faith denounce these sodomites and corrupter of children.

  4. This ” fire from the sky “, possibly from a comet, has been prophesied for a long time. True prophesy is always conditional upon the repentance and penance of Gods people…ie read Mary’s prophecy at Fatima when she predicted WW2. She specifically said that ” If people do not stop offending God “this war would happen and , of course, it did.So, Br B is spot on.

    1. I disagree. Yhwh God will not withdraw His judgment against sin, and those unrepentant, ultimately. His Word is clear about that. Those who are repentant, and His children, redeemed from their sin natures, will not be here forthat judgment, but it WILL come as prophesied. There’s a dramatised documentary concerning this, which I recommend you see: “Before the Wrath”, which discusses precisely this issue, and is extremely well presented. You can rent or buy it on Amazon, orTubi has it for free with commercials right now. It pulls together prophecies from Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and others as well as parables Jesus told while living here amongst us, in a concise manner, using dramatization to show them, withregard to these very days in which we, are now living, “before the wrath” is unleashed on unrepentant, sinful humanity, globally.

    2. This must be the biblical “Wormwood” that hits the earth, that would make the waters bitter that anyone who drink it dies ( radioactive water kills and is also bitter like sewage water ).

    1. She did, and He is. Both the Tigris and Euphrates have been reported as drying up, as is the Colorado and its reservoirs, which supply water to virtually the entire southwestern US, as well as hydrolic power. The “ring of fire”, as well as other volcanoes and fault lines, have been increasingly active around the globe over the past decade or so, floods, storms, etc have been increasing in frequency and intensity. If you truly believe humans are causing this, I think you need a reality check, and a pre-1960 course in Earth science (before they were all specific “paid for” results to fit the narrative)! The only Person Who controls weather or climate, in reality, is Yhwh God, not even the total collective of humanity’s behaviors. The Bible (Torah and New Testament alike) tell us He uses “natural” events like those I named, to demand attention from us, or chastise us, for our behaviors, and He has a few more “up His sleeves”, even more catastrophic, to send our way (see pre-Exodus Egypt, Sodom & Gomorrah in Lot’s day). Yhwh God has been “screaming” at the US since 9/11, to no avail, to turn from our sinful behaviors & nationally, America has just “doubled down” on those very behaviors, and on the attacks against any who dare try to sound the alarms, particularly Yhwh God’s redeemed children.

  5. It should be helpful to consider the following in this discussion:

    As stated in the article, when “this law is accepted in the U.S.A., (and) everyone will become guilty there of this sin, except those involved in civil disobedience,” I would like to propose that this is a very broad and simplistic brush stroke. Abortion has been ubiquitous for a long time and we are not all “guilty.” MANY of us Catholic activists have been praying and working very hard to restore legal rights for the unborn. There have been small victories, yes, but it nevertheless is dubious as to what authentic or significant “success” there has really been AFTER 50 YEARS of this, even now after SCOTUS threw things back to the states.

    This new so-called “marriage” law will of course take us down even lower into debauchery — and will indeed bring divine retribution. But this does not make all of us “guilty” — especially those of us who live praying and pray living. PEOPLE HAVE NOT HEEDED THE MESSAGE OF FATIMA. AND THAT IS THE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING AROUND US. All the “civil disobedience” in the world will fail without this foundation.

    It seems that the MAIN JOB of the average citizen is to increasingly pray and sacrifice — and to LIVE the Fatima message, MAKE THE 5 FIRST SATURDAYS, pray the ROSARY DAILY. And when THAT is well established EVERYWHERE, then our physical efforts and labors can bear fruit in a movement or political party. But the Novus disOrdo “church” does not preach Fatima to the people in the pews — by diabolical design.


    Until we have a SIGNIFICANT Rosary (and TRUE MASS) campaign GLOBALLY, all of Our Lady’s frightening prophecies will increasingly be fulfilled with all their terrifying implications. And all the civil disobedience in the world will avail very little.

    1. It is not a simplistic generalization as you characterize it using the modern notion of simple as an imperfection. But since the U. S. is an elected representative government, everyone with the power of the vote, is responsible for the laws of the nation. In addition to this formal moral participation in the sin of approving abominations as marriage — imputable not only to those who voted or did not vote, but to the decisions they made in regard to voting and not voting their whole lives, their political activity and lack of that, there is also the corporate responsibility, whereby the body is liable for the sins of the head of a society, just as if you rob by participating in a crime where you only use your lips, your body is just as capable of being incarcerated as your lips.

      1. This is assuming the U.S. electorate system is honest and that people’s votes are actually counted. James Corbett has some very interesting videos on election and voting problems:
        Use the search bar there to search the key words.

    2. When we accepted the prohibition of prayer at school in the 60’s many warned us of the degradation coming our way. Think about it: “From those rains, this mud.”

      Our hope is in God and that faithful remnant that He always keeps in reserve. The country will come back but the purification is almost inevitable now. “Men did not repent from their sins and they cursed God” paraphrased from the Apocalypse of St. John.

  6. It would be good to take into account that we no longer have an “elected representative government.” We have not only seen over the last 2 elections that the so-called “elections” are controlled and fraudulent, but along with that we know that by 2022 (and way before now) all of our politicians are “owned” and they are “bought and paid for.” Even if they are “elected” they do the bidding of their funders, the deep state, and the global cabal. OR ELSE.

    The Constitution is already suspended (at least with the fake “emergency” declared with the covid scam) and even at a much earlier date (like FDR) from what I have seen. So the USA is simply an on-paper construct right now.

    Given these realities, and the aggressive trending toward totalitarian control (as foretold by Our Lady), the dictatorship is basically already here — where the imposition of sodomite “marriage” will be very much a part of this dictatorship. We are now at the stage where the true Church is in the catacombs and, as with in Roman times, by our prayers, sacrifices, and fidelity under hardship and persecutions, we will obtain for God the long-expected and future victory for the Church via the triumph of the Immaculate Heart.

    1. Well, if one recognizes that an elected government or a constitutional government no longer exists, and sees that the crooks in power just tried to murder 300 million citizens, then armed revolution becomes the only moral option left.

      1. People in power did not merely seek to depopulate by murdering 350 million citizens of the U.S.A. The United States has spread the errors of Russia and then some; like formal racism, Communist/Fascist Atheism, Gender Confusion and attack upon the innocent children onto the whole world. The Medical Complex led by Gates/Fauci has led the effort to perpetuate the murder at least 6 billion and it’s continuing in ALL EVIL endeavors. The United States was consecrated to God through George Washington and the Founding Fathers upon the ratification of ‘The Constitution of the United States’ immediately in the following hour and remains the only country of history; EXCEPT ancient Israel, so consecrated. THE REPUBLIC AND ‘THE PEOPLE’ ARE GOING TO SUFFER TREMENDOUSLY AND THIS INCLUDES BOTH FAITHFUL AND UNFAITHFUL, ALIKE. We, U.S. Patriots/Citizens, are going to wish we were dead if we are not. Am personally surprised it’s taking God so much time to put HIS CREATION RIGHT…Especially, for those HE SO BLESSED AS HE HAS THOSE IN THE U.S. As much grief, suffering and pain as the faithful feel in this country so inundated and saturated with evil…There is clear recognition of God’s justice to be just and the only thing possible is to pray for mercy in God’s justice.

  7. I agree with your article and with your thinking Brother Alexis that all Catholics and Christians for that matter must resist these disgusting laws in any way possible.

    Again, this reminds me back to what you said in the video “When the flu season comes ,the chaos begins’. You recommended that people must flee the cities and arm themselves.

    Every major city in the western world will incur Gods wrath as this is where sins that cry to heaven for vengeance like abortion and sodomy are greatest .God has been patient with man ,but that patience is about to end.

    In the apparitions of Akita Japan, in 1973, ( From Rome Has an article on this apparition )Our Lady spoke to Sister Agnes Sasagawa ,and warned that a chastisement would soon fall on mankind , greater than the flood. Fire would fall from heaven ,sparing neither the wicked or the good ,and that those still alive afterwards would envy the dead.

    This prophesy should be taken as fact, because Our Lady told the seers of Fatima that WW1 would end and that WW2 would soon come. She is never wrong when making these type of predictions.

    In legalisng sodomy and murder in the womb those wicked people in positions of power have guaranteed that what was predicted at Akita will come to pass.

    1. Our Lady in Akita also shed tears of blood in 1972, which signifies that the reality of the Apostasy of bishops. If the bishops are struck, so is the clergy, and so is the laity, lest the laity acts to remind the clergy to act as the priests and bishops they vowed to our Lord during their consecration.

      This warns us that if we follow Bergoglian clergy we are doomed and will die schismatic ( the deepest pits of Hell ).

      Woe to those who die having pledged allegiance to the antipope! They will suffer for eternity Hellfire with apostates like Judas!

  8. Brother Alexis, do you believe that Our Lady appeared to George Washington and revealed America’s destiny?

  9. Lo sapevo, ecco arrivato l’asteroide! Siete incontenibili. Se le previsioni valgono come quelle dei sieri però dovrebbe passare sicuramente qualche galassia più in là, quindi tranquilli.
    Oltretutto questo americacentrismo è veramente inverosimile, ricorda molto le trame dei film di Hollywood.
    Comunque, per Vostra curiosità, sono venuto a conoscenza di una recente simulazione chiamata “Catastrophic Contagion – Sers 2025” avente presumibilmente inizio in Brasile…
    Il fatto è che non si può prevedere il futuro. Il Signore ha detto che verrà quando meno ce lo aspetteremo.

  10. God’s dvine judgement will indeed come. Which is why, we must repent of our sins and then place ourselves under the mantle of the Virgin Mary. I recommend this prayer:

    I love thee, most lovable Lady,by the love which I bear thee, I promise ever to serve thee, and to do as much as I can, that thou be loved by others also. I put all my hopes in thee, all my salvation. Receive me as thy servant and cover me with the mantle of thy protection, thou the Mother of mercy! Amen.

    Remember, Mary our mother, is ready to help us, no matter what happens.

    1. Amen! Our Lady will protect her children just like She did her priests at Hiroshima when the A Bomb was dropped. They were protected because they were living the Message of Fatima and praying the rosary.

  11. The Enemies of the Soul: The World, the Devil, the Flesh

    It will take the Woman and her Seed to restore Eden, to restore Paradise on Earth; for men of Good Will to fulfill Our Father’s Will, Word, Work, Way,
    by accomplishing on Earth what the Angels did in Heaven: to damn and ban the Demoncrat and his Demoncracy from their hearts, their souls, their minds, their strength, their neighbors, and cast them to Hell.

    The Demoncrat seduced Man through the Woman. Jesus – The(o) Man, The(o) Real and Royal, The(o) True Son of Man, Son of God, God the Son, Son of Mary, The Redeemer, The Savior, The Liberator, The King of Kings, The Divine Physician, – …wants to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart – to The Woman, Tried and found True, who conceives immaculately, speaks candidly, cleanly, clearly, acts positively, giving berth and birth – by The(o) Power and Spirit of The(o) Most High – to them that believe in His Name, who are born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.—BVM to Lúcia, June 13, 1917, Fátima, Portugal (The Rosary and Mysteries thereof)

    Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth – Demoncracy damned and banned as in Heaven – Peace to men of Good Will.

    The Woman and her Seed of Genesis,
    of Isaias, of Mathew, of John.

    Our Lady of Good Success warned us about the Masons.
    Our Lady of La Salette warned us about Rome and Entertainment.

    Our Lord at Tuy and Rianjo warned us about the Demoncrats’ Reign of Terror in France after the French Revolution, and of the Gulags and of the Laogais after the Vatican II, the French Revolution in the Church. Just as He gave the Monarchy in France 100yrs to consecrate France to His Sacred Heart so also He gave the Demoncrat and Demoncracy 100yrs to try to destroy His Church, and the Pope together with the Bishops 100yrs to save it by consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. And, yes, the Higherarchy in the Hierarchy are having fun entertaining us, serving us their religion: their Fraternity, their Brotherhood in Revolution and Murder Inc.; their Equality under their Law of License to make a killing killing the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, their Liberty, their Opium, their Way to Progress to Denial, Deprivation, Death, Error and Terror of Demoncracy.

    Our Lord gave Leo XIII a private audience of the private audience He gave Satan on Oct 13, 1884. Leo XIII gave us prayers to be said at the end of each Low Mass. The Demoncrats shortened the Prayer to St. Michael in 1932; and eliminated the Prayers and the Mass in 1969.

    Who Enthroned Satan in the Vatican on June 29, 1967? Who eliminated the Minor Orders and changed the Tridentine Mass to the point of suppressing it also? The Spirit of V2 and of the Novus Ordo would have us believe that Christ and Christ’s Sacrifice, the Mass, is the Same, yesterday, today, forever. That the Spirit of V1, of Trent, of the Counsels of the other Councils are the same as of V2. The Office of the Devil’s Advocate is no more in the Process of Canonization.

    Iota Unum and Stat Veritas by Romano Amerio; Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani, collection by Atila Sinke Guimarães;
    The Council and the Eclipse of God
    by Don Pietro Leone, and others of like mind like St. Paul would have us test and prove all things and hold on to that which is good, and beautiful, and tried and found true.

    Who murdered John Paul I? Is there really no Catholic God? He Who is the Creator of the Universe, the Redeemer and Savior of Mankind, the Comforter and Sanctifier of the Children of God and of Mary, is not Catholic, is not Universal? We must obey the UN? What Errors is Russia imposing on the whole world that were not imposed on her? Who are Russia’s partners in imposing the heresy of Americanism on the whole world? Who silenced and stilled Sister Lúcia dos Santos of Fátima? Who silenced and stilled Fr. Augustin Fuentes, then vice-postulator for the Causes of Francisco and Jacinto Marto? Who was it that gave Eastern Europe to Stalin, China and Asia to Mao Tse Tung, Mexico, Cuba, South America to the Theologians of Liberation, who was it that suppressed No God Next Door, by Fr. Michael Kenny?

    And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us: and we saw His glory, the glory as of the Only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
    R. Thanks be to God.

    It is never too late to turn to Jesus and Mary.

    Sin is so subtle, so pervasive, so powerful that I can no longer hold back the Chastisement.—Jesus to Marie-Julie Jahenny
    We Are Warned, free online PDF. The Chastisement will eliminate 3/4 of Humanity. All of the Wicked and some of the Good Will. Also, Lord of the Rings: Apocalyptic Prophecies, E. A. Bucchanieri

    The WEF, the FEW, are giving us, the many, their Great Reset. They will have it. When enough of us tell the Demoncrats that we don’t need them, that they don’t need us to go to Hell; when enough of us turn to Jesus and Mary and Joseph, to the Holy Family, that keeps the 1st Family – God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost – 1st always and everywhere;
    when enough of us conceive, contemplate, consecrate, declare, exercise and practice The Lord’s Prayer, Mary’s Fiat, the Angels’ Glory be…; when enough of us devote ourselves to following Jesus as Mary does, in Life, in Death, and in Eternity, we will know and have the Prince of Peace and His and her Reign on Earth as it is in Heaven.

    Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto Thy Name, give Glory.

    Eye has not seen, ear has not heard,…

    May we merrily meet in Heaven. —St. Thomas More

    There are Russians imprisoned, silenced, and stilled that need to be freed, heard, heeded, consecrated and saved.
    Live Not By Lies, Aleksandr Sholzenitsyn

    Live-Not By Lies. Live Not-By-Lies.
    The Gulag, the Laogai, the Killing Fields expand, because as long as we have no problems increasing and multiplying problems, Error and Terror, then we have no problem.

    You’ll own nothing, and be happy.—Klaus Schwab

    I don’t need you to go to Hell.
    —St. Anthony of Padua to the Demoncrat

    My body, my heart, my soul, my mind, my strength, my neighbor, my choice, Jesus’ and Mary’s and Joseph’s Choice, God’s Choice. Thy Will be done…

    You don’t understand American humor.
    —Thomas Edison to Nikolas Tesla

    It will take the Woman, Mary, the Immaculate…who is she, who comes as the morning rising, fair as the Moon, bright as the Sun, terrible as an army set in battle array, to crush the head of the Serpent. Canticles

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