Br. Bugnolo’s Exhortation on Courage, now in 14 languages…

To see the subtitles in 14 languages you have to change the language setting on your YouTube account. The original tweet cited here was erased by Twitter.

Here is the original show page, at FromRome.Info.  Here is the Spanish version.

Here is the Italian version:

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One thought on “Br. Bugnolo’s Exhortation on Courage, now in 14 languages…”

  1. You had quite the advice the first time around on your original Post and NOTHING stated could be argued as you were completely on target. Keep standing, fighting and doing the wonderful work in your apostolate with A.J. and his. It’s SO NECESSARY and NEEDED. Thank-you for all you do. Praying always for our Lord’s Blessings for you and Satan to be Blinded.

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