by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
This month at Rome, there is being formed a canonical team to restore Pope Benedict XVI to power, known as, “The Committee for the Liberation of Pope Benedict XVI.”
We, the Catholics of Rome, can no longer stand by and simply talk. The Holy Father has definitively spoken, saying, that he is still the Pope, that he never abdicated and that he retains the Petrine Mandate. All of which Andrea Cionci has openly demonstrated in the newspapers of Italy during the last two years, WITHOUT anyone refuting him on the evidence. And now his book, “The Ratzinger Code”, is a best seller in Italy, and available in English on Amazon.
Armed with all the documents and canonical arguments necessary, by which Catholics the world-over know that Benedict XVI remains the rightful claimant to the Apostolic Throne, this Committee will undertake lobbying, publicity and canonical action to restore Pope Benedict XVI to power, by means of obtaining a public recognition that his Declaratio of Feb. 11, 2013 did not deprive him of the Papal Office.
But to do this, I ask you to consider helping this group of zealous Catholics at Rome by supporting their effort which will bring the information and truth about what is really going on, beyond the limitations of the main stream media in Italy, by public manifestations, protests, legal and canonical actions, and informative conferences.
All of this effort by the “Committee for the Liberation of Pope Benedict XVI” will require funding. And since the Catholics who are most knowledgeable and eager to engage in this effort are not among the powerful and rich in this world, but are those who are rich in faith and virtue, they need the help of like minded Catholics from around the world.
To give you an idea of the expenses: to hold a public gathering in Rome one has to demonstrate the funds to rent a stage, sound system, and publicize the event. A single even can cost many tens of thousands.
Nevertheless, there are millions of Catholics around the world who know that Bergoglio and his crew are destroying the Church, and that the salvation of our Holy Religion requires now a determined on the ground effort at Rome.
I will personally chair the Committee and see to it that we make every effort to win this battle.
So, if you are a devout Catholic who wants to save our Church, or even if you are a devout anti-globalist or anti-marxist who does not want the Catholic Church to fall under the power of those two cabals, I would plead with you to make a generous contribution to the Fund for the Liberation of Pope Benedict XVI.
Thank you in advance for your support and generosity!
You can follow the work of this Committee on Twitter, @B16Restore.
Supporta il Comitato per la liberazione di Papa Benedetto XVI
di Frà Alexis Bugnolo
Questo mese sta per essere costituito a Roma un gruppo di lavoro composto di canonisti (e non solo) finalizzato a riportare al potere Papa Benedetto XVI. Tale gruppo sarà denominato “Comitato per la liberazione di Papa Benedetto XVI”. Noi cattolici di Roma non possiamo più rimanere inerti e limitarci a discutere. Il Santo Padre si è definitivamente espresso, dicendo che egli è ancora il Papa, che non ha mai abdicato e che conserva l’ufficio petrino.
Tutto ciò è stato ampiamente dimostrato dal Dr. Andrea Cionci su diversi giornali italiani nel corso degli ultimi due anni senza che nessuno abbia potuto confutare le prove da lui portate alla luce. Attualmente il suo libro, “Il Codice Ratzinger“ è fra i libri più venduti in Italia ed è disponibile in Inglese su Amazon.
Il summenzionato Comitato, in possesso di tutti i documenti e gli argomenti canonici necessari, dimostrerà e farà sapere ai Cattolici di tutto il mondo che Benedetto XVI rimane il legittimo occupante del Trono Apostolico. Esso intraprenderà azioni canoniche, di pressione e di pubblicità per riportare Papa Benedetto al potere ottenendo un riconoscimento pubblico che la sua “Declaratio” dell’11 Febbraio 2013 non lo ha privato del suo Ufficio Papale.
Ma per fare ciò, vi chiedo di voler considerare di sostenere questo gruppo di zelanti Cattolici a Roma attraverso il supporto ai suoi lavori; ciò contribuirà a diffondere informazioni e svelare la verità su ciò che sta realmente accadendo nella Chiesa, bypassando la censura imposta dai mezzi di comunicazione tradizionali in Italia. Si procederà con manifestazioni pubbliche, proteste, azioni legali e canoniche e conferenze informative.
Tutti questi sforzi che il “Comitato per la Liberazione di Papa Benedetto XVI“ dovrà compiere, richiederanno dei finanziamenti e, poiché i Cattolici più consapevoli, informati ed entusiasti di partecipare a questa fatica, non fanno parte della categoria dei potenti e ricchi di questo mondo, ma sono coloro che sono pieni di fede e virtù, hanno bisogno dell’aiuto dei Cattolici di tutto il mondo che concordano sulle loro stesse vedute.
Per darvi un’idea delle spese: per organizzare un raduno pubblico a Roma è necessario dimostrare di avere i fondi per noleggiare un palcoscenico, un sistema audio e per pubblicizzare l’evento. Infatti un singolo evento può arrivare a costare molte decine di migliaia di Euro.
Malgrado tutto, ci sono milioni di Cattolici in tutto il mondo che sanno che Bergoglio e la sua squadra stanno distruggendo la Chiesa e che la salvezza della nostra Santa Religione richiede uno sforzo sul campo a Roma molto determinato. Sarò io personalmente a presiedere il Comitato e mi premurerò che si faccia ogni sforzo possibile per vincere questa battaglia.
Pertanto, se siete devoti Cattolici intenzionati a salvare la nostra Chiesa, o anche se siete convinti anti-globalisti o anti-marxisti che non vogliono che la Chiesa Cattolica cada sotto il potere di quelle due congreghe, vi chiederei di fare un’offerta generosa per sovvenzionare il Comitato per la Liberazione di Papa Benedetto XVI.
Ringraziandovi anticipatamente per il vostro supporto e la vostra generosità, invio i miei più cordiali saluti
Potrete seguire il lavoro di questo Comitato su Twitter @B16Restore
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W tym miesiącu w Rzymie powstaje zespół kanoniczny mający na celu przywrócenie władzy papieża Benedykta XVI, znany jako „Komitet Wyzwolenia Papieża Benedykta XVI”. My, katolicy Rzymu, nie możemy dłużej stać z boku i po prostu rozmawiać. Ojciec Święty przemówił definitywnie, mówiąc, że nadal jest papieżem, że nigdy nie abdykował i że zachowuje mandat Piotrowy. Wszystko to Andrea Cionci otwarcie pokazywał we włoskich gazetach w ciągu ostatnich dwóch lat, i nie znalazł się NIKT, kto obaliłby jego twierdzenia na podstawie dowodów.
Obecnie zaś jego książka „Kod Ratzingera” jest bestsellerem we Włoszech i jest dostępna w języku angielskim na Amazonie. Uzbrojony we wszystkie niezbędne dokumenty i argumenty kanoniczne, dzięki którym katolicy na całym świecie wiedzą, że Benedykt XVI pozostaje prawowitym pretendentem do Apostolskiego Tronu, Komitet ten zajmie się lobbingiem, rozgłosem i działaniami kanonicznymi w celu przywrócenia papieża Benedykta XVI do władzy, poprzez uzyskania publicznego uznania, że jego Declaratio z 11 lutego 2013 r. nie pozbawia go urzędu papieskiego.
W tym celu proszę was, abyście rozważyli pomoc tej grupie gorliwych katolików w Rzymie poprzez wspieranie ich wysiłków, które przyniosą informacje i prawdę o tym, co naprawdę się dzieje, poza ograniczeniami głównego nurtu mediów we Włoszech, poprzez publiczne manifestacje, protesty, akcje prawne i kanoniczne oraz konferencje informacyjne.
Cały ten wysiłek „Komitetu Wyzwolenia Papieża Benedykta XVI” będzie wymagał finansowania. A ponieważ katolicy, którzy są najbardziej kompetentni i chętni do zaangażowania się w ten wysiłek, nie należą do potężnych i bogatych tego świata, ale są bogaci w wiarę i cnotę, potrzebują pomocy podobnie myślących katolików z całego świata.
Aby dać wyobrażenie o wydatkach: aby zorganizować publiczne zgromadzenie w Rzymie, trzeba wykazać się środkami na wynajem sceny, nagłośnienie i reklamę wydarzenia. Pojedyncze wydarzenie zaś może kosztować nawet kilkadziesiąt tysięcy. Niemniej jednak na całym świecie są miliony katolików, którzy wiedzą, że Bergoglio i jego ludzie niszczą Kościół i że zbawienie naszej Świętej Religii wymaga teraz zdecydowanych działań w Rzymie.
Osobiście będę przewodniczył Komitetowi i dopilnuję, abyśmy dołożyli wszelkich starań, aby wygrać tę bitwę. Zatem, jeśli jesteś pobożnym katolikiem, który chce ocalić nasz Kościół, lub nawet jeśli jesteś pobożnym antyglobalistą lub antymarksistą, który nie chce, aby Kościół katolicki wpadł pod władzę tych dwóch kabał, błagam cię o hojne wpłaty na Fundusz Wyzwolenia Papieża Benedykta XVI.
Z góry dziękuję za wsparcie i hojność!
Prace komitetu można śledzić na Twitterze,
Fra Alexis, I have shared this content on I hope more people will answer the call.
I sent it to “Spirit Daily” in hopes it will be re-posted.
Thank you.
With courage for the Truth!
God is Blessing you, Brother, and Andrea Cionci, and all who sincerely seek the Truth,
especially if costly!
Pope Benedict XVI’s motto:
“Cooperators of the Truth”
From “Ratzinger Code”
“We are living through a “final war”
and it is necessary to decide which side
we are on: the side of the Truth, or the
side of the Lie. We must act accordingly:
each of us is called to choose on which
side we want to fight in such an eschato-
logical battle that is also a battle for the
identity of our culture.
Pope Benedict XVI, one of the greatest
and most significant popes in the entire
history of the Church, has placed us at
this unavoidable crossroads.” – Andrea Cionci
Che CRISTO RE E MARIASS accolgano il nostro grido di dolore e aiutino i figli fedeli a fare emergere La Verità al mondo intero
B16 still defends Vatican II.
Can someone explain how this modernist B16 intent on destroying the faith is any better than other Novus Ordo popes? Has B16 publicly renounced his modernism?
Vigano is only one saying what needs to be done…abolish V2 and the NO.
Just because someone is in favor of Vatican II does not mean he is a modernist or neo-modernist. Even Marcel Lefevre signed ALL THE DOCUMENTS of Vatican II. Understanding the unwholesomeness and error in the counciliar texts takes formation in thomistic or scholastic theology and philosophy and an ability to see cause an effect. Faith alone does not give you that.
The so-called “Novus Ordo” has first of all nothing to do with Vat. II. Please read the texts of the Constitution on the Liturgy. There is nothing about such changes! The “Novus Ordo” is a fruit of forces within the Church that reinterpreted Vat. II in their sense.
Pope Benedict XVI points out in the letter quoted by you the necessity of the Council, because the Church at that time was in the area of tension between two extremes. On the one hand, there is the purely institutional idea of the Church, as if the Church were an NGO. I see this realized, for example, in the secret agreement with China. It is no longer faith that is in the foreground, but the state is now the supreme authority.
The other extreme is the purely mystically viewed church, which sees itself as completely detached from the world. In the movement to consider the traditional liturgy as the sole means of salvation for the Church in our time, I see this understanding of the Church realized.
Pope Benedict XVI has always been concerned with clarifying this self-understanding of the Church, which stands in the tension between faith and reason. Faith and reason are not opposites. They do not exclude each other, but they are complementary, i.e. they complement each other and need each other. The Church is not of the world, otherwise it would be an NGO, but it comes from God, but it is in the world and not detached from the world. In this sense, the Council was necessary. So Pope Benedict XVI is primarily concerned with the self-understanding of the Church. The negative excesses after the Council were never the intention of Pope Benedict, he has already said that clearly enough (book by Seewald). These misinterpretations of Vat. II are the fruits of the enemies of the Church within the Church. Pope Benedict calls them “wolves.” Pope Benedict, of all people, has fought and continues to fight against these enemies like no other.
Moreover, Pope Benedict himself celebrated and also supported the traditional Mass. But with the traditional liturgy alone, the Church cannot be saved in the struggle with the world. It also needs the witness and apostolate of every Christian. For this it is necessary that each one cultivates a personal relationship with God and can justify and defend his faith with reason in this real world. And this was precisely the main goal of Vat. II.
Translated with (free version)
This still does not answer my question. A pope who has promoted and celebrated Novus Ordo false worship is not going to restore Tradition, unless he is converted. There is plenty of evidence of his modernism if one studies his ministry, actions and writings. More than a few have found much heresy in his writings.
Are you smoking weed? Benedict XVI published Summorum Pontificum, restoring the TLM to a great degree and said it could never be abolished. By your definition of modernism, he is not. So give up your hate and be fair to the man. I am not saying he is a Saint. And more than anyone who is pro Pope Benedict XVI, I am a fierce critic of his theology. Just ask the folks over at Rorate Caeli who banned me from their blog for that.
Good and fair comments. Ah, Rorate Caeli the “traditionalist” web/blog who still refer to Bergoglio as Pope! I am constantly amazed at the blinkered attitude of so many Catholics who are so critical of various aspects of the Church but obstinately refuse to admit/investigate the truth of the current papal situation. And if they cannot overcome that particular psychological hurdle, they will be unable to see the fundamental flaws in the ‘Novus Ordo’ Mass and Vatican II.
New Catholic is a political operative
of a very strange ilk.
For first he said he converted to the Catholic Faith — warning (see how US Govt uses converts in its ideological war against the Church, here )
Then he said that B16 was the cause of his conversion and that B16 is the greatest pope in history a living saint, after summorum pontificum.
Then he kicked commentators off like myself who said that Ratzinger’s theology has major projects.
Then he warned us all of Bergoglio. Was a lone voice on this for a while.
Then I said the election of Bergoglio was canonically doubtful (that is how FromRome.Info began )
Then he took the position that it is never licit to question the validity of Bergoglio being the Pope.
Then I exposed the renunication as invalid.
Then he took the position that it is schismatic to say Benedict is the Pope, even if he faked out everyone to save the Church from Freemasons.
So, I conclude by saying that New Catholic is a political operative, and most likely a CIA asset.
St. Thomas Aquinas held the heresy that Mary was afflicted with original sin, and yet she is a saint! Finally Duns Scotus considered it possible that Mary was preserved from the original sin.
It is the task of the ecclesiastical magisterium to distinguish whether Pope Benedict could have been mistaken on some points or not. But we can already say that he is one of the greatest theologians in the history of the Church.
St. Thomas Aquinas held the heresy that Mary was afflicted with original sin, and yet he is a saint! Finally Duns Scotus considered it possible that Mary was preserved from the original sin.
It is the task of the ecclesiastical magisterium to distinguish whether Pope Benedict could have been mistaken on some points or not. But we can already say that he is one of the greatest theologians in the history of the Church.
It was an error, not a heresy canonically speaking since the Church had not yet declared it as part of the deposit of the Faith.
One may benefit from reading the following articles Tradition in Action has posted on Joseph Ratzinger and Benedict XV.I. These are just some samples of many others that you can find on their website linked above:
UPDATED: Nov. 3, 2:21 AM Rome Time — corrigenda [] brackets and addenda within () brackets:
Anyone can publish a long list of unsubstantiated accusations. Even a cursory look at that list shows that he has said nothing which is heretical, but which they claim to be heretical because they want simply to sully the man’s reputation. But like Sedes, TIA needs to find heresy, because their founder [ideologically speaking: Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira] held himself to be the Immaculate Conception reincarnate as a man, and taught anticlericalism. So they strive to attack all clergy and all religious.
Take the one about the Incarnation. They selectively quote from a Portuguese text, which is not an original and cannot be quoted to condemn anyone since it is not authentic. But even there the context is not that Christ is not God and Man, but whether for Moderns who do not think in these categories, a discussion of the virgin birth of Christ convinces them that God can become Man and reveal Himself by such a prodigy. That is not a heresy to ask such a question, as it is a question not regarding God, but modern man. And if you cannot see that in the text, then you are either incapable of reading Portuguese or that you want to accuse a man of a sin of which he is not guilty of committing.
(As for heresy, one must always distinguish between heresy when considered as a verbal expression, an error, a sin, a crime. As a verbal expression whenever anyone, even to reprove a statement, says, “1+1=3” as in, “It is an error to say that 1+1=3”, the saying of “1+1=3” is reckoned first as a verbal expression. When the expression is taken out of all context, and considered according to its truth value, one speaks of an error. When the signification of the expression of error is assented to by the mind, which can only happen out of ignorance or bad will, since our intellect cannot knowingly assent to what is false as true, then one speaks of a sin: material when ignorance is the cause, formal when bad will is the cause. Sins can be internal and never revealed, or public and known by someone else. As internal they are calls sins before God, since He alone knows of them. When external they can be spoken or written or signified, though in the latter case ambiguous signification is ambiguous. As a crime, when external the verbal or factual expression of an error with consent of approval signified, which is determined by syntax, tone of voice, occasion, context etc., is the matter for canonical investigation. So a private person can detect an error, recognize it, and discern whether a speaker approves of it. But since canonical crimes can only receive ecclesiastical punishment by a judicial process, these cases must be brought to the proper authority by a canonical denunciation, and judged by the Church in accord with law. So to call Ratzinger a heretic day in an day out without ever filing a charge in an ecclesiastical court, is very sede-like, though it does not proceed as far as denying he is the pope. But regardless of what any private person thinks or writes, a man remains the holder of his ecclesiastical office or status until the Church divests him of it. But to be a heretic, one must commit the formal sin, which is why even when accused canonically, the Church has a rigorous process to determine whether there is pertinacious manifest adherence to the error after 3 corrections. And for that reason, that long list of accusations you cite in your comment, does not convince me that Ratzinger is a heretic, since it is so glibly presented without any analysis or distinctions.)
For all the comments bellyaching about Benedict, please keep in mind that Benedict was making much progress in removing priests, bishops, and Cardinals for sexual abuse. He also restored the TLM. And, I believe he was on the road to bringing the SSPX back into communion.
The Ratzinger Code!!!
The hidden Pope – veiled language.
“…(Pope Benedict XVI) warns us to wait before judging his Pontificate, which will be regarded as the Pontificate of millenary importance and which will be the gateway that opens a new world.” “Whoever searches will find!”