Just a short note to warn the readers of FromRome.Info from sharing information on Telegram channels.
One or more channels have been created to monitor the activities of FromRome.Info, Br. Bugnolo, AJ Baalman, Ordo Militaris Inc., with the purpose of orchestrating a campaign of defamation, calumny and libel.
You can help our apostolates by not sharing any information on Telegram or other platforms about these topics.
If you know of anyone sharing such dis-information, please list their Telegram handles below, so that our legal team can evaluate whether to take action or not.
Thank you.
Quite some time ago I mentioned that the owner of telegram is a weffer.
And a few days ago I felt really sad about the murder of this sparkling, warm mother of 34, Eliza, although not knowing her, but today I felt nothing at all at the death of that other Elisabeth.
Brother, does this include sharing via emails, too?
No. I only wanted to highlight a particular channel without naming it.