The Latest Work around for Canon 332 §2 — The Liturgical Theory

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The amount of non-intellectual work being done by those who insist Bergoglio is the pope no matter what, even if that be the only dogma left in the Catholic Church, has arrived at it most silly and absurd assertion.

I call it the “Liturgical Theory”.  According to this theory, a man is pope if he offers the holy Sacrifice of the Mass without saying, “And for our Holy Father, N.”, naming some one else.

It is alleged, as an example, the case of Don Sione Pifizzi of Florence Italy, who in the presence of Cardinal Ernst Simoni, in the private chapel of Pope Benedict XVI, in the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery — where he is watched and held in de facto isolation from all media and all the faithful, except those hand selected by Bergoglio, that the Holy Father at Mass offers it, “And for our Holy Father, Pope Francis”.

Therefore, according to this theory, that means he is not the pope.

But there is a problem with this theory.

First, it is not a theory, because the hypothesis has never been proven. Because there is no law in the Church or teaching, which asserts that a man is not the pope if he says these words, or ceases to be pope if he does, or has duly (rite) manifested his renunciation of the papacy if he says such words at any later date.

The other problem is one of interpretation.

What do these words mean when you are being held prisoner by Bergoglio and the entire Curia and Episcopacy are involved in a diabolic “threaten to kill you if you don’t renounce” conspiracy of many if not all of the Sacred Hierarchy and clergy.

I will never forget the wild rejoicing from all the Modernists and impure clergy round the world, on Feb. 11, 2013. I was at Rome and I saw that from that day onward the Pontifical Faculties began to throw off any pretense of the Faith.  They were gleeful. They knew what happened and they lied to us each day to distract us from the truth of it or prevent us from every knowing it.

So if you presume that such an event happened because Bergoglio’s hand picked clerics say so, and if you insist it means that he is no longer the pope, you have no proof, but only an absurd allegation, backed by no law and forensically compromised by the circumstances in which it is alleged to take place.

And if you think that means Bergoglio is the pope,  then I would humbly submit that you do not give a damn about the truth or a bleep about who is really Christ’s Vicar on Earth, not to mention, that you fear not even to imply that Christ is a impardonable liar, in saying to Peter and all his successors: “Simon, Simon: Satan has desired to sift you all like wheat, but I have prayed for you, that your faith may never fail…”

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9 thoughts on “The Latest Work around for Canon 332 §2 — The Liturgical Theory”

  1. How long will Christ Himself tolerate the subterfuge?

    One is tempted to account it immediate preparation for the Days of Darkness, long mentioned by mystics.

    1. It is not a subterfuge on B16’s part. And I believe Christ told him to do it, because you would have to be sociotapathically cowardly to think it up without God’s intervention.

      1. There is evidence Pope Benedict XVI was coerced to resign due to financial intimidation against the European Catholic Church. NOT to protect himself!

      2. Have you read FromRome.Info before? If so, you would know we have published more articles about that than any other news site.

      3. All is as God ordains and we don’t worry nor doubt; just pray, fast, sacrifice, do penance and take the sacraments. When we are kept awake, it’s our Lady desiring our prayers for her desires. When our plans are not supported and manifested according to good intent, that too is God’s plan and we are to go forward doing whatever we can. Wonderful to know the good are safe, if not in the expected place according to plan…But, God is working, and all will be according to Him in his time (Sorry, not certain when to capitalize ‘Him and His’ when speaking of God anymore).

    1. Feser is reading the English translation, which is a proven falsification of everything he says. Why does Feser quote Aristotle in the Greek, but omit quoting Benedict in the German? So telling….

  2. Looking at what Bother Bugnolo has written over the years about the removal of Benedict XVI from the papacy, it seems that for the globalists Benedict was much too catholic .

    Benedict XVI was on course to correct the many errors in the Church since Vatican 2. He was certainly more amiable to the practice of the traditional Roman Rite and wanted to act against clergy involved in sexual scandals.

    From the get go, anti Pope Francis made his intentions obvious that he had come to try and destroy the Church. Everything Francis has done since his phony election has confirmed the fact that he is a heretic , a communist ,and not even catholic. On any of these counts he is ineligible to call himself Pope.

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