Br. Bugnolo reports live from Warsaw on the War in the Ukraine

Note: This program will air at 6 PM, Warsaw time, today, which is 1 PM NYC time.

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One thought on “Br. Bugnolo reports live from Warsaw on the War in the Ukraine”

  1. Thank you brother sanity thank you, this “consecration” has done my head in and my thoughts are the same ..gaslighting , political stunt , and so many falling for it.
    You cheered me up
    “Oremus pro pontificace nostra Benefictus Dominus conservet eum, et vivificat eum, et beatum faciat eum in terra, et non tradet eum in anima inimicorum eius. Tu es Petrus et superhanc petram adedificabo Ecclesiam Meam et portae inferi non praevalebunt adversus eum”

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