4 thoughts on “UK: MP from Essex Stabbed to Death during brazen daylight attack”

  1. What a dreadful attack! Our condolences go to Sir David Amess’s family and to all the Parliamentarians of England.The youth have been particularly distressed during this time of Covid .We need to pray for God’s Consolation and help.

  2. God rest his soul. He would never have been attacked if he had not been a good faithful Catholic. who publically stood up for his Faith. Therefore hes a candidate for martrydon , and the plenary indulgence attached to it. A new Saint who has just died is believed to send answers to prayers soon after death. . St David Amess pray for me to find the material I’m searching for about an explorer named Maedoc.

  3. I live in London, UK. This is all very odd… David Amess a prolifer but pro deathvax. Also chaired some govt committee against vax passports in March. But why was a British Somali visiting/targeting a Catholic MP working at a Methodist church? If you believe this whole story from MSM then surely everything else must be true? Not a hate crime but now terrorism. And why does Alex Jones of info-how-did-he-know-that-wars prophesise this months ago – that there will be assassinations of political leaders worldwide.
    Sorry this entire narrative stinks…

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