How to befriend Saint Michael the Archangel

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One thought on “How to befriend Saint Michael the Archangel”

  1. Not just Catholics! Every religious/spiritual person in the world.
    Daily is prayed the protection prayer to Archangel Michael who
    is also the judge for all evildoers/dark ones/fallen ones of the deep state/deep press/deep md’s/deep politics/deep armies/
    deep churches, deep music, deep pharma, deep ‘literature’,
    deep farmers, deep/poisonous industries.
    We are supposed/requested to ask daily for the Judgment by Archangel Michael of the above, if according to God’s Will.
    Angels need to be asked for help: they can’t take the initiative, we learned as children.
    And the Violet Flame of the Holy Spirit, the spiritual Fire of the
    Biblestory of the burning bush that just takes away what is not good, is to be used to ‘burn’ all evil.
    We need it more than ever in these devlish times.

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