Did Pfizer engineer an lethal Vaxx because it would increase sales of its medicines?

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4 thoughts on “Did Pfizer engineer an lethal Vaxx because it would increase sales of its medicines?”

  1. No, that was not the purpose. The purpose was depopulation. Yes, the industry depends on having a living market, so it would seem contradictory to purposely kill your customers, but there is a greater context to be understood.

    1. There is a global coup underway and it is being carried out by the wealthiest people on the planet. When they succeed, they will have all the power they covet. They will have a monopoly on the entire planet’s human and natural resources. Compared to that, big pharma’s revenue losses are a minor concern.

    2. Those in charge of this global coup, have already made it clear that they need to cull billions of people in order to have a sustainable future.

    These are the pieces of the big picture one needs to understand when responding to the original question. You see, the question as presented ignores the greater context leading to a false conclusion that the makers of the “vaccines” would not purposely kill people. Under these circumstances, the answer is yes.

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