Spain: Officials kidnapping children from parents who refuse the Death Vaxx

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4 thoughts on “Spain: Officials kidnapping children from parents who refuse the Death Vaxx”

  1. The consequences of far too many Christian parents who’ve believed their “ownership” of their children superseded God’s claim on them and that has happened because far too many Churches have become spiritually sterile whose “form of godliness while denying its power” is a mere hypocritical front to deceive the undiscerning to keep their $$$ support –and that all happened because those who knew better sat by for decades and allowed evil teachers to corrupt their churches by their silence and inaction .

  2. I stopped watching after the question why do bad things happen to good people.

    Where are the mother bears, ready to destroy anything that comes between them and their cubs?

    It’s just like you said in your recent interview with Stachnio – this is not rebellion, this is a parade, a conference.

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