Rome: Fined $6000+ for praying the Our Father in public

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5 thoughts on “Rome: Fined $6000+ for praying the Our Father in public”

  1. May God have mercy on their souls.

    Following your series of podcasts on how to be a catholic you prove your faith before Our Lord. I pray that I can be worthy of such witness.

  2. We are never going to visit and spend tourist dollars in regions where priests are arrested for praying or citizens are mistreated by their government in what is becoming obvious is a crackdown on Christians. What lunacy.

    1. Please, if you wish, write your nation’s Ambassador at Rome and the Italian Ambassador in your nation’s capital and express your sentiments. Things like this make a difference, especially in cases where those with foreign passports are told that their passports have no efficacy in identifying them, which statement is contrary to international law.

  3. Dear God!!! What lunacy!!! Mussolini lives again!! Churches will be closing next!!😡😡😡

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