4 thoughts on “How to be a Catholic: Episode #5: How important it is to keep your conscience pure”

  1. This reminds me of the quote “To thy ownself be true”. We can’t go against our own conscience when we know something is a sin and is morally wrong. God also expects us to learn our catechism and study our faith especially in these times.

  2. JMJ- Hi Brother Bugnolo- the link in this post goes to the video for #4 of this series.
    Looking forward to seeing #5.
    Thank you for all that you are doing.
    May The Divine Baby Jesus and His Most Holy Mother bless and protect you always!

  3. Excellent! I agree! Even my Trad parish does not hang a picture up of Francis!
    Sadly our priest never speaks up about the Vax. CONTAINING aborted baby tissue, the Pope or issues of the church or the ” Plandemic”. The SSPX. has approved the vaccine!! A few are not happy with me because I speak out! My answer…too bad!!

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