Letter to the Editor: It is important to realize the dangers of many “vaccines”

Dear Editor:

The word “culling” came to mind in connection with population control.  Culling is used with animals, but it is also used to depopulate and control mankind.  In searching the internet, a few others use the term.

Whether one is anti-vaccine or for “safe” vaccines, it is important to realize the dangers of many “vaccines” and current “gene therapy” injections, which have a connection to fetal tissue harvested from “living” aborted babies, or contain nanoparticles, hydrogel, aluminum, mercury, animal DNA, polyethylene glycol (PEG), etc..  Also, there are the issues of nano-worms in face masks and nano-worms in the bloodstream.  Nanoparticles are everywhere…in every day products as well, e. g., plastics.

Decades ago, the world was shocked at the atrocities committed by Hitler and his henchmen.  Old “horror” movies such as “Frankenstein” and “Island of Lost Souls” were frightening to many.   Certain aspects of modern-day medical research and experimentation on human beings should be equally horrifying.  In “The 25 Best Classic Monster Movies”, William Bibbiani describes the 1932 movie, Island of Lost Souls:

…a deliriously sinister performance from the always-amazing Charles Laughton, it’s a harrowing tale of colonialism and eugenics run amok, as potent today as it was nearly 90 years ago.

Truer words were never spoken.

Naomi King

Disclaimer: I would like to expressly convey to you (the reader) that were I to accidentally defame, purge, humiliate, and/or hurt someone’s person or feelings as a result of them reading and/or acting upon any or all of the information and opinion herein, it is entirely unintentional of me to do so.  These references are for review and consideration.

References:  (NOTE: If encountering articles being censored, go directly to the website of the article and search for the pertinent article.)

The Great Culling has begun: Will your genetic lineage survive? – NaturalNews.com  2012

Depopulation through Covid-19 ‘Vaccine’ will slowly Cull the human herd | The Irish Sentinel  Dec. 2020

Undisclosed Mask Dangers. There is evidence to suggest chronic… | by Winn Henderson | Apr, 2021 | Mediumood Lust: Covid Vac

Dangerous Hazardous Chemicals in Face Masks (johnscreekpost.com)   April 4, 2021

CDC calls Morgellons’ nanoworms a delusion, protects DARPA – Activist Post  JANUARY 31, 2012

Masks have nanoworms in them – YouTube   Apr 6, 2021

Masks Are a Ticking Time Bomb (mercola.com)   April 07, 2021

MEDICAL HORROR: Genetic sequencing of common vaccine finds entire male human genome from aborted human baby… “a complete individual genome” with abnormal, modified genes… 560 genes linked to cancer – NaturalNews.com 2019        Current news is in the left column when going to this site.

Nano-worms to the Rescue – TFOT (thefutureofthings.com)  May 22, 2008

At the bottom of the article about nano-worms and targeting tumors is:  Quote…


Roey has a BSc in biology from the Technion, and is currently engaged in his PhD studies in nano-technology and nano-sciences in the Technion. His current research focuses on combining nano-technology, tissue engineering and human embryonic stem cells in order to create a new functional full-size tissue for transplantation in the body. Roey also won second place in the FameLab 2007 competition for science communication in Israel, and is lecturing in various fields of science and especially nano-technology.

(emphasis added)

Transhumanism: Expert exposes liberal billionaire elitists’ ‘Great Reset’ agenda | News | LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)    Nov. 10, 2020.    Go to LifesiteNews site directly and search for the above article.  Big Tech is censoring .

Vaccine Ingredients — DNA | Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (chop.edu)

Nanoparticles for Imaging: Top or Flop? | Radiology (rsna.org)

FDA Investigates Allergic Reactions to Pfizer COVID Vaccine After More Healthcare Workers Hospitalized • Children’s Health Defense

12/21/20.  Quote: FDA’s Marks on Friday also acknowledged that allergic reactions to PEG could be “somewhat more common than previously understood.”

But, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CHD chairman and chief legal counsel, said: “As we told the FDA in September, studies show that one in seven Americans may unknowingly be at risk of experiencing an allergic reaction to PEG.”

Polyethylene Glycol (Inactive Ingredient) – Drugs.com  (PEG)

Could mRNA Vaccines Permanently Alter DNA? Recent Science Suggests They Might. • Children’s Health Defense  04/08/21

Harvard-MIT Scientist Says COVID-19 Man-Made, Bill Gates Says Next Pandemic “WILL Get Attention” as Scientists Warn of Millions Dead Due to Vaccine Flaw | Coronavirus News (wordpress.com)   FEBRUARY 11, 2021  Quote:

However, rather than “flattening the curve,” key governors were doing anything but, and were in fact “spiking the curve.”  NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo, MI Gov. Whitmer, and NJ Gov. Phil Murphy, and PA Gov. Tom Wolf all, at key moments, ensured COVID deaths would skyrocket, by sending COVID patients into nursing homes.

2021 Feb 25 Dr Carrie Madej in a Mind-Blowing interview with Kamalpreets Singh regarding CoV Jab – 4CMiTVworld

The 25 Best Classic Monster Movies for Old Hollywood Horror (collider.com   Oct. 19, 2020


Naomi King

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

7 thoughts on “Letter to the Editor: It is important to realize the dangers of many “vaccines””

  1. In relation to the following article……Where to from here??!!

    What Democratic Societies in the West is the European Court of Human Rights referring to in a world where there are reports of rigged voting systems, false/fake political opposition and increasing signs of Totalitarianism and Tyranny?!
    And when nobody in a position of power in Europe seems to give a damn about investigating the spikes in deaths in nursing homes following the administering of covid genetic “vaccines” and the experimenting of same on those with Special Needs!

    ’Obligatory Jabs ‘Necessary in Democratic Society’: Europe Rights Court
    AFP reported:

    The European Court of Human Rights rule’ on Thursday (April 8th 2021 ) that obligatory vaccinations can be seen as necessary in DEMOCRATIC SOCIETIES, in a landmark judgement after a complaint brought by Czech families over compulsory jabs for children.

    This is the first time that the ECHR has delivered a judgement about compulsory vaccination against childhood diseases.

    Experts say it could have implications for any policy of compulsory vaccinations against COVID-19.’


  2. ‘Massive doubts raised about ethics & efficacy behind Oxford-Astrazenica “vaccine”…’

    ‘So in short, SPIMO is working on the basis of a supposed ‘vaccine’ that fails to stop the spread of infection in more than two out of three cases. This is radically different to the impression government publicity has given us – viz, that “even after vaccination, it may still be possible for you to infect others”. It sounds cautionary and responsible, but asking around a sample of acquaintances yesterday, they imagined a figure of around 80% – not 31%. Under 1 in 3 is, let’s face it, a risible result.

    But the initial statement cuts the legs off continuing the vaccination rollout, because it rejects the benefit such might bring with the haunting words, “Immunisation failures account for more serious illnesses than unvaccinated individuals”.’

    ‘56. This shows that most deaths and admissions in a post-Roadmap resurgence are in people who have received two vaccine doses, even without vaccine protection waning or a variant emerging that escapes vaccines. This is not the result of vaccines being ineffective, merely uptake being so high.’ (SPIMO)

    ‘…there’ll be a resurgence after lockdown exit, but this is not Astrazeneca’s fault – the “problem” was high uptake. By vaccinating the vulnerable bigtime, we killed more people, but a drug struggling to demonstrate efficacy had nothing to do with it.’

    ‘Forecasting models – be they commercial, climate, virus or fiscal in nature – have a truly appalling track record of laughable inaccuracy: the very last thing they represent is “science”.

    The State uses models because they frighten people….and frightened people (as we have seen over the last fifteen months) are easier to coerce.’

    ‘…. secretive plans to float Oxford Recovery’s spin-off onto the NYSE using the vehicle of Vaccitech – in which Vaccine team-leader Sarah Gilbert and her colleague Adrian Hill retain a 10% shareholding…’

    ‘Vaccitech’s main investors include former top Deutsche Bank executives, Google and the UK government. Three in a bed comprising the most toxic bank on the planet, a viciously censorious search engine, and a serially mendacious corporatocracy.’

    ‘Adrian Hill and Sarah Gilbert are a longterm item who get together at the Wellcome Trust. It has clear and long established links to the Galton Eugenics Society – whose aims largely surround culls of racially and gentically “inferior” humans. Lots in common with Bill Gates and George Soros, then.’


  3. Really!….where to from here?

    ‘NGOs and judges at the ECHR, 2009 – 2019″. This study revealed that some of the judges sitting at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) are former officials or collaborators of NGOs from the “Soros galaxy” that are very active before this Court. The seven NGOs identified in the report were the Open Society Foundations (OSF), the Helsinki Committees, the International Commission of Jurists, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Interights and the A.I.R.E. Centre.’





    ‘European countries can legally require childhood vaccinations, the European Court of Human Rights ruled on Thursday. The decision covers preschool vaccinations for children, but it could also have an impact on the EU’s battle to control the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Compulsory vaccines can be seen as “necessary in a democratic society,” the Strasbourg-based court said in its ruling, which came on a 16-1 vote.’


  4. ‘….over the last weeks, scientific articles have been appearing in medical journals describing undesirable events “including breaches of the anterior skull base associated with a risk of meningitis.”

    Several studies were quoted by the Academy, including one documenting “meningitis due to cerebrospinal fluid leak after nasal swab testing for COVID-19.”….’


  5. The Reemergence of SS?! Schutzstaffel?!

    Extracts from an article from the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ) on the European Court for Human Rights (ECHR) ruling on Mandatory Vaccination.

    ‘The European Court of Human Rights delivered a Grand Chamber judgment on April, 8, 2021 declaring the current childhood vaccination requirement in the Czech Republic to be in compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights.’

    ‘The European Court validated the argument of the Czech government, recognizing that the right to privacy, respect for family life and freedom of individuals was challenged in order to protect a more important interest: the common good and public health. It is primarily on this rationale that the Court made its decision.’

    ‘Even if the decision applies to the Czech Republic, the Court still recognized the right of a State to make vaccination compulsory and there is necessarily this arbitration between the pursuit of a public health goal and the private life and conviction of parents.’

    ‘….the Court has chosen a wide margin of appreciation and that the States can do as they wish, considering that there is no consensus in Europe between the States as to the existence of a vaccination obligation.’

    ‘Another reasoning would have been perfectly possible to justify and, in my opinion, was necessary, that was to recognize the fact that important rights and interests are at stake, in particular the right to respect for physical integrity, which can only be infringed, in principle, for a compelling reason. And for this there should not be a wide margin of appreciation, allowing a State to infringe the physical integrity of a person. Similarly, the other right in question is the right of parents to educate their children, and once again, to infringe this right, there must be a compelling reason, and it is impossible to imagine giving a wide margin of appreciation to States to infringe rights as important as respect for physical integrity and respect for the right of parents.’

    ‘An important element is the assessment of the necessity of vaccination. Is it necessary for a country to impose vaccination in a binding way under penalty of punishment, to achieve the desired public health result? This is an important element.’

    ‘….we are not going to question the public health objective at all, nor the effectiveness of these vaccines in this case. On the other hand, we can question the necessity to force, or to fine, or to prevent schooling,… to achieve vaccination.’

    ‘….it is the need to interfere with the rights of parents and the rights to respect for physical integrity that is finally called into question, when we observe that in fact it is not necessary to force people to be vaccinated for the population to be vaccinated overall. We can also see this very clearly today with the question of Covid, where people are finally going to be vaccinated even though there is no obligation. We must succeed in making this public health policy based on trust, rather than on obligation, because that is the essential element.

    Regarding this trust, there’s another important point in the decision as the applicants invoked article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which guarantees freedom of belief, of religion, and the Court rejected the complaint rather quickly….’

    ‘…..the Court deduced that this opinion, this conviction, rather this view, this criticism, does not have the force of a true conviction that deserves to be protected under article 9 of the Convention, that is to say, under freedom of conscience. This is always a difficult element: Article 9 protects freedom of conscience and religion, but only if one has true convictions. Personal opinions are rather guaranteed under Article 8, which protects autonomy.’

    ‘…..in order to protect freedom of conscience, it is necessary to have real convictions that are solid, whether they are of a moral or religious nature.’

    ‘….if the applicant had been able to show that he had a real conviction, that this conviction was based on scientific elements or evidence, it would have been different. For example, today one can very well have strong and solid convictions against this or that vaccine on Covid. Or another person could have moral and religious convictions against vaccines that use embryos, or fetal or embryonic cells. That would be stronger convictions. It would be interesting to see… One cannot draw from this decision a consequence on a conscientious objection to the use of a vaccine that is either considered for solid reasons, as dangerous, or is considered as immoral with reasons, for example, using embryonic cells. In this case, the Court could judge differently.’

    ‘……if the Covid 19 vaccine is made mandatory in a country, you think that a petitioner would still have a chance if he invoked from the beginning a strong moral conviction about the lack of hindsight for example or about what you were saying, the development of vaccines with stem cells?

    G: In theory, yes, but in a crisis situation like today, theory no longer applies. We can see that rights and freedoms are largely forgotten. If the health crisis were to become even more untenable, I think that human rights would be forgotten, let’s not kid ourselves.’

    ‘The Court finally said, this violation of the right to education is only the consequence of the parents’ choice. It is not, it said, in itself a sanction against the refusal of the vaccination, it is a consequence of the refusal.’

    ‘….an important aspect to underline in this judgment is the fact that the Court also justifies the vaccination obligation by what it calls the search, the preservation of solidarity, this objective of social solidarity between people with regard to health. This is a notion, a somewhat new value, which is put forward by the Court and which I think could be used more often in the future, because this notion of solidarity can justify many infringements on individual rights and freedoms.


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