The Masonic Lodge which recruited Adolf Hitler and 3+ US Presidents

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6 thoughts on “The Masonic Lodge which recruited Adolf Hitler and 3+ US Presidents”

  1. Could you do a study or program of George Sorros connection to the Masonic lodges. He seems to have similar coincidences as to how he has been successful on getting his fortune and seems to use it in the same way or purposes as those you imply have the same objective of destroying the western nations and controlling their governments.

    Thank you.

    1. Soros is tied to the London School of Economics which is in the orbit of the Rockefeller’s. But his close collaboration with Trump leads us to suspect that he is financed in part by Brown Brothers Harriman, the same Bank which made Trump’s Father wealthy. The bank founded by 11 members of the Skull and Bones Masonic Lodge.

      1. Can you elaborate on the statement “ But his close collaboration with Trump leads us to suspect that he is financed in part by Brown Brothers Harriman”. Those “His” Means Soros? Does this means Soros and Trump are working together?

        Thank you.

  2. Are you saying that Soros is financing Trump or that Brown Brothers Harriman is or both of them might be financing Trump?

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