3 thoughts on “OMC Radio TV Weekly Report on Terrorism”

  1. Very good program.
    —Where is OMC headquarters in the U.S?
    —Which states allow OMC to form groups?

    —Perhaps OMC might consider buying a gun store and shooting range in order to make money and train paying customers.
    Overall, there must be ways that OMC can accomplish its objectives while being self supportive.

    1. OMC is HQed in MT. OMC as a religious association can have chapters in all states. But training camps can only be in 9 states, HI, MT, ND, DE, VT, OH, IA, ID and MN if I remember correctly.

      For reasons of protecting their investors from liability, Ordo Militaris Inc. of MT would not directly own operations of high risk, but only invest in companies which do, that way our investors get the benefits of a return without the risk. As for the training camps, the business plan is to charge students tuition for the courses offered to the public, and train men to work for security companies founded by the religious association worldwide, which in turn will reimburse the camp for expenses and tuition. Sort of a military academic for small group tactics.

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