May 13, 2020: The Procession of Our Lady of Fatima, Fatima, Portugal

This is the first time, in the history of the Shrine, that the procession has not been accompanied by tens of thousands of the faithful.

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4 thoughts on “May 13, 2020: The Procession of Our Lady of Fatima, Fatima, Portugal”

  1. Pray for us, Our Lady of Fatima. Just a point about the true Third Secret of Fatima. There is an interview of Malachi Martin by Art Bell on his old radio show Coast To Coast available on youtube. I know Malachi Martin is controversial for some people, but I discerned that he was a truthful and holy man. I believed him when he stated he had seen the Third Secret as written down by Lucia. In the interview Art Bell presses him for details about the Third Secret and the events contained therein. Malachi Martin would only say the events were more horrible than anyone could ever imagine. Even after Art Bell described every kind of natural disaster, war, famine, disease and social chaos Malachi Martin would only say it doesn’t even scratch the surface of what is coming, that the events were beyond human description. Something for us to ponder and pray about… Ave Maria.

  2. Because they cared far ore about destroying the faith than we did in preserving it. They were united in effort, we were divided. That of course will eventually change and the faithful will eventually stand triumphant with all the hosts of Heaven.

  3. What a spectacle. Looks like they meant for it to be a procession for the FUNERAL of Our Lady of Fatima, as if she’s been conquered!

    I wanted to rip all of their idiotic face masks off; and naturally the sign language person can’t be identified as either male or female.

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