by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
This is Vocational Information for Catholics in the European Union
Se ha avuto il desiderio di seguire San Francesco come i suoi primi compagni facevano, ora è l’occasione per rispondere alla ispirazione.
L’osservanza antica della Regola Bollata di San Francesco d’Assisi è la forma di vita ispirata di Gesù Cristo, scritta dalle mani di San Francesco, approvata da Papa Onorio III il 26 Novembre 1223 e confermata da più che 20 papi. Essa è la forma di vita originaria della vita Francescana che non si osserva in nessun altra comunità religiosa in tutto il mondo. Infatti, dopo la Guerra Mondiale i Frati Minori e i Cappucini l’hanno abbandonato, e dopo il Concilio nessuna altro communita voleva riprenderla.
Questa vita è distinta dal non uso dei soldi, il non avere di proprietà sia personale sia in comune, il portare indosso del saio francescano sempre e ovunque ecc., della predica dei quattro nuovissimi: in somma, dalla osservanza di tutti i precetti della Regola Bollata di San Francesco senza mitigazioni.
Quest è la vita francescana che ha santificata tanti vocazioni. Ed è ancora il sentiero più fedele alla visione di San Francesco per i suoi figli.
San Francesco è il nostro Patriarcha Serafica, dobbiamo non fare scusi più per seguirlo.
Se hai questo desiderio, contattarmi tramite un commento qui sotto.
PREREQUISITI: Si deve essere un Cattolico, maschio, eterosessuale, di almento 18 anni di età, credente, praticante, pentito di tutti i tuoi peccatti e vizi, con il desiderio di fare una vita di penitenza e sacrificio per i tuoi peccati, in povertà, castità e ubbedienza. In più si deve avere una fama buona di carattere.
AVVERTENZA: A cagione della cattiveria e della ignoranza totale ormai diffusa in tutto il mondo, raccomando di contattarmi per discernere la tua vocazione e non va da persone ignoranti e contrario ad essa, perchè ho visto tante vocazioni distrutto mediante consiglio diabolico di odio per San Francesco, in particolare da francescani. Quindi, attenzione!
If you have the desire to follow Saint Francis of Assisi in the manner his first disciples did, now is the time to act on that inspiration.
The ancient observance of the Rule of Saint Francis is the form of life inspired by Jesus Christ Himself, written down by the hands of Saint Francis, approved by Pope Honorius III, on November 29, 1223 A. D. and confirmed by more than 20 other Popes, subsequently. It is the original form of life for all Franciscans, but it is no longer observed in any Franciscan community on earth. In fact, after the Second World War, the Friars Minor and the Capuchins abandoned this observance, and no new community after Vatican II has wanted to return to it.
This form of life is distinguished by the non-use of money, the having of no personal or communal property, the perpetual wearing of only the Franciscan habit, everywhere and always, and of the preaching of the four last things: in other words, in the observance of all the things precepted in the Rule of Saint Francis without mitigations.
This is the form of religious life which has sanctified so many vocations. And it is still the path most faithful to the vision of Saint Francis for his sons.
Saint Francis is our Seraphic Patriarch, and we must stop making excuses about following him.
If you have such a desire, please contact me through a comment here, below.
PER-REQUISITES: You have to be a Catholic man, straight, at least 18 years of age, a believer and practicing, repentance of all your sins and vices and have the desire to live a life of penance for all your sins, in poverty, chastity and obedience. In addition, you have to enjoy a good personal reputation.
MONITUM: In discerning your vocation, I highly recommend you contact me, and not rely upon the counsel of evil or ignorant persons, especially among many who claim to be franciscans, who hate Saint Francis and will attempt to convince you not to follow him. I have seen so many vocations destroyed in this manner. Be careful!
This appeal is made to EU Citizens only, on account of the laws restricting entry into Europe for foreigners.
CREDITS: The Featured Image shows Saint Francis embarking for the 5th Crusade against the Infidels in Egypt.
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Dear Br. Alexis Bugnolo,
Can you recommend a good translation of The Original Rule of St. Francis into English?
May the Lord continue to bless the work of your hands,
Sincerely yours in the Passion of the Church,
Yes, you can find the Latin and my English translation here,
And the Latin and my Italian translation, here
Many thanks, Brother !
May the peace of the Eucharistic Jesus be with you. I am married and am not an EU citizen. Therefore, I cannot answer your call to follow Saint Francis in this manner. However, it is my understanding that he produced a rule for those who were married. Do you have his teachings for those who are married? Do you know of any faithful groups in the United States that follow his teachings?
May God bless you in all your efforts. May He send you many men to follow the teachings of Saint Francis.
Thanks be to God for your help. Do you also have a resource on how Saint Francis approached the Muslims? He can be an example for us today on how to be faithful to the Christ and His Church but also engage those who oppose Christ.
I highly recommend this book, written by a friend of mine