USA: Washington gets as Archbishop a man who covers up Satanic Ritual Abuse of Women

Background in this story:

Editor’s Note: What Pope Francis does not realize is that this appointment is going to influence the votes in the next Conclave in the most decisive manner, for anyone who is seen as a supporter of Pope Francis’ agenda of apostasy and corruption, has just been struck off the list of potential candidates by all the other Cardinals.

However, if the “conservatives” wanted truly to conserve and the “traditionalists” truly be traditional, they would stage a sit-in at the Cathedral of Washington and pelt the new nominated with rotten eggs and tomatoes, chasing his car out of the city and making it impossible for him to govern. These are things Catholics actually did in the Middle Ages, when the world was sane. Nay, there are cases where they hung or burnt such men at the stake.

But even if they eschewed such violence, they could support the Sutri Initiative and get the same results. If they won’t it must be because they are not what they claim to be or are simply virtue signalling cowards.

So wherever you see them lamenting this “appointment” remind them how to be a Catholic and a true man of virtue. It may be, just may be, the hour when grace will touch their souls.

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