ITALY to require Bio-Metric Data collection for long term Visas

Editor’s Note: As much as I love Italy, I would advise all those without citizenship in one of the Schengen area countries to boycott any plans to stay in Italy long time, as one would if one were a home-buyer, student, or worker. The only way to punish nations which go digital is by a boycott.

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2 thoughts on “ITALY to require Bio-Metric Data collection for long term Visas”

  1. So if i get a Schengen area (S.A.) visa for another country in the S.A. i can fly there first and then go into Italy and will not be required to left my biometric digital data that Italy now requires?

    I know you cannot give legal advice, but is this a travel agent can advice on?

    1. I am no expert in EU Law, but I think that if you are getting a visa for stay in Italy, it has to be granted by Italy, under most conditions, such as being a student, because the educational institution would require that. But if it is because you purchase a house or simply are staying long term in Italy, I think the visa from another EU member would work, since there are nearly never any checks for immigration papers if you are a law abiding citizen.

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