Br. Bugnolo’s Urgent Appeal For January, 2024

Br. Bugnolo asks that you continue to support his work at Rome, again, in this new Year of Our Lord, 2025. He thanks all of you for your prayers and support in December, past.

Here is list of Expenses Brother will have in January, 2025 ( a means the need has been met, a – the need has not been met):

$ 600 for Brother’s personal expenses in January
– $1400 Rent due on Feb. 15, 2025 (for the period February to May, 2025)

TOTAL: $2000

Total raised so far (from Jan. 1 to today): $0 US Dollars.

Total Raised for the Scholasticum, since Nov. 1, 2024: $1500 USD

(Please note, that the above totals are running, so that with each passing day in January as new expenses occur, Brother increases specific expenses)

Previous Post for the December, 2024 Report.
Many thanks to the very generous outpouring of support during November!


You can donate in 1 of 4 ways …

Help Br. Bugnolo:

Help FromRome.Info:

Help the Hermitage of the Holy Cross:

Help Br. Bugnolo and Father Covens found The Scholasticum:

For more information on the Scholasticum, see here:

If you would like to get a copy of Br. Bugnolo’s translation of St. Bonaventure, click here. It’s now on sale for $40 USD a copy (shipping not included).

Or to help Br. Alexis via Bankwire

Add the note: ROME to your transfer.

For Bank Wires in Euros from countries in the EU and SEPA systems:

Account Name: Ordo Militaris Inc
IBAN: BE77967318468342
Account Number: 3184683
Bank: Wise, Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, Brussels, 1050, Belgium

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Aaron Webber wants the Vatican Library to sell off all its books?

Editor’s Note: I have heard of many absurd attacks on the Catholic Church, but this is the first to wontonly attempt to inspire envy and greed for the books in the Vatican library, which are arguably not the most valuable Vatican treasures, as can be seen from this detailed article below. — That the MSM is pushing this propaganda and hate-filled attack on the Church, on New Years, is outrageous. It is especially outrageous, when one considers that the author seems to have no academic preparation to even comment on the value of books.

Recent Genetic Studies show that most Jews are not Hebrews

Editor’s Note: In recent months Catholics have been urged to avoid anti-semitism, which in theory should mean that we should not be prejudiced against semitic peoples. But the worse kind of anti-semitism would be to pretend to be a semite so that one could claim the land of true semites and drive them from their homes.

Thus, recent advances in Genetics, which allows the identification of paternal ancestors is very powerful and valuable to determine whether the claim of a self-identified Jew to be an ancestor of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as the Old Covenant requires, are true or not.

And the results show that for most self-identified male Jews, their claim to be Abraham’s sons is false. As the data shows in the above table.

While we cannot be sure what was the Y-Haplogroup of Abraham, whatever it was it must be the same or the progenitor of the same variants. Thus, among any group claiming descent, if we find unrelated or impossible Y-Haplogroups, we can immediately be sure that the men do not all have the same male descent from Abraham. This means that some minority among them are true descendents or some majority of them. But not all of them.

To understand the above table, which is taken from a scientific study by Doran M Bohar, et alia, published at Science Direct, let’s look at the table presented in that paper to see the frequency of 10 different Y-Chromosome Haplogroups.

The mere fact that there is 10, shows that 9 of the groups cannot be from Abraham, and that the self-identified Jews in those categories are in error in claiming descent.

The conclusion of the above data shows that as many as 90% of all men who claim to be Jews, in some hapologroups are not Jews at all. This has massive implications about anti-semitism and the political claims of the State of Israel to a right to return to Palestine.

Damian Thompson claims If the faithful knew the truth, they would demand Pope Francis’ resignation

Editor’s Note: He made this claim in the introduction to his report on the sexual scandals in the Anglican Church of England. Thompson, ironically, is one who knows of the Sutri Initiative but refuses to speak to the Faithful about it. This is what I call Limbo Grifting, from the Latin word, “limbo”, which means the top edge of a cup, and “grifting”, the American English popular term to speak about a problem to gain favs and likes on social media, in particular to gain fame and income, without however any mention of how to solve the problem.

Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, renders homage to Pope Benedict XVI

 Nel secondo anniversario della scomparsa di Papa Benedetto XVI, rendiamo omaggio a un Pontefice che ha lasciato un’impronta profonda non soltanto nella Chiesa, ma anche nella cultura, nella filosofia e nella riflessione pubblica del nostro tempo. Un teologo che è riuscito a parlare alla mente e all’anima delle persone. La sua vita e i suoi insegnamenti ci raccontano come fede e ragione siano dimensioni complementari che si illuminano a vicenda. Ancora oggi il suo messaggio spirituale è vivo e potente e l’eredità del suo Magistero resta fonte di ispirazione. Per la Chiesa e per tutta la società.

English translation by FromRome.Info:

On the second anniversary of the passing of Pope Benedict XVI, we render homage to a Pontiff who has left a profound impression not only upon the Church, but also upon culture, philosophy and in the public reflection of our  time. A theologian who succeeded to speak to the mind and soul of persons. His live and his teachings recount for us how faith and reason are complementary dimensions which illuminate one another. Even today his spiritual message is alive and powerful and the legacy of His Magisterium remains a font of inspiration For the Church and for all of society.