Editor’s Note: Those “conservatives” in the West who repeated Russian Federation propaganda during the last 20 years, might be shocked to discover that one of the frequent mouth-pieces for that propaganda was just “retired” for having another man in a personal relationship which is unnatural, to put it mildly.
Bishop Hilarion was for nearly 20 years the go to man, whenever the some “conservative” wanted some criticism of Western decadence and demonstration of Russian moral superiority. No need to say that today’s news is “egg on the face” of the entire Russian Propaganda Ministry effort in that regard.
But for those who read behind the news stories and pay attention, this should come as no surprise, as even Vladimir Putin publicly admitted that sodomy is one of the traditional values of the Russian Culture.
The moral of this story for Catholics should be to remember that virtue is a gift of God and therefore never believe the claim, that a State which violates the laws of Jesus Christ has it.
Over at Canon212.com (which should be called GOP.com), Frank Walker who has never missed an opportunity to republish Bishop Hilarion’s talking points is attempting to spin this news by implying that at least the Russian Orthodox Church is taking action in removing an immoral man from office, whereas the Catholic Church is not, in regarding to pope Francis.
His criticism is partly true but mostly false. Mostly false, because, even Pope Francis has removed clergy for reasons of sexual immorality. In fact, he has in this continued the work begin in earnest by Pope Francis, both when a Cardinal and after as Roman Pontiff.
But his criticism is party true, because the Sutri Initiative is the only canonical way to remove an unworthy man from office of Roman Pontiff; though this cannot be done for reasons of sexual immorality, only because a man was never qualified to hold the office. Yet, a provincial council can be called to rebuke a pope for sexual immorality.
Frank Walker has never called for such action until now, however.
Many others have also believed Russian Propaganda, notably Archbishop Viganò, who even met with Bishop Hilarion some years ago, before publishing his endorsement of the “International Movement of Russophiles”. He has also not yet called for a provincial council nor even repudiated his contacts with Hilarion.
Roman Catholics should also be aware [but many, sadly, have never been properly catechized…] that Humility is the queen of all virtues…….and that Martydom is the surest way to Heaven, after which Virginity is considered the ‘next-best’…….which is precisely why, in the days following the Nativity of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ the Church honours St Stephen, St John the Evangelist, The Holy Innocents, and St Thomas of Cabterbury.
Christus vincit; Christus regnat; Christus imperat.
Wishing you, Br. Alexis, and all readers of FromRome.info a Very Happy New Year……one in which we will certainly face many new challenges to our One True Faith……!!
Hi – this isnt related, but ever since I went on your website , my internet speed slowed right down. How do I turn that around? Sorry, a bit thick. Could that be internet throttling? I am in UK. Thanks
It could be that your internet provider lists FromRome as a dangerous website, or since you are in the UK, that your internet activity through you current IP is now labeled as “suspicious” by the British Thought Police. Erase your cookies, use an app like CC cleaner, turn off your computer and start again. Maybe even change your internet provider. It’s not easy for me to say. It may be that you were on the internet when a lot of others in your neighborhood decided also to go on the internet. You really cannot know for sure unless the problem persists.
Who could have predicted this. I read a few things written by Hilarion and I must say I was impressed by his clarity. I did not know he was critical of the West.
Since our Roman Catholic Church has been hijacked by the Argentine homo gang, all I can say is I am sorry to hear the sad news. It is high time for Our Lord to come and fix this mess.
Exsurge Domini!