Editor’s Note: I do not know whether to shake my head in sorrow or pity, but when you read this long post by Harvey Millican attacking two priests in his own diocese, you will probably agree. He faults them for doing nothing about Pope Francis’ heresies; but then recommends they read Dr. Mazza’s writings which also does not recommend doing anything to solve the problem.
We have reached the ultimate levels of virtue signalling: dumping on Catholic Priests for doing the same thing as the one dumping on them: that is, suggesting nothing be done.
This is shameless!
The Sutri Initiative is the only solution. And there seems to be a diabolic conspiracy never to talk about it. Harvey fears this tremendously, since he closed the comments on his post as soon as he posted it on December 11, 2014.
It seems to me that the Sutri Initiative will continue to be ignored. They are taunting God and their punishment will come swift, bitter, and overwhelming. They are at the end of their rope like King Saul at Gilboa they are running out of sins to commit.