Critique by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
As I have frequently reported here in the pages of FromRome since 2014, there has ben a concerted effort to control the narrative in the Church, with a view to maintaining the Big LIe that Pope Benedict XVI abdicated in 2013. Some of the prime movers of this fake narrative are found among the “fake opposition”, those Catholic journalists an influencers who will complain about everything wrong in the Globalists agenda, ask you for money, and tell you to pray or publish a statement of resistance, but who run to the hills if you suggest a real concrete solution, and even go so far as engage in organized defamation and calumny.
The promoters of this new initiative to make known who is in the College of Cardinals is backed by two of the most notorious dinformation agents out there, Diana Montagna (see more here) and Edward Pentin (see more here). You need only to use FromRome.Info’s search tool to discover how many times they have published lies and half-truths to see it for yourself.
Their new website also pushes one of the biggest misunderstandings of papal elections, since it presumes beforehand that only Cardinals are capable of being elected pope. And by this, any intelligent observer can deduced that those who want the narrative controlled have already decided that they can trust most of the Cardinals to do their will. What they really fear is that someone who is not a Cardinal, not handpicked by themselves and their handlers, be elected: such as Archbishop Vigano, Bishop Strickland, Archbishop Lenga etc. etc..
So if you use the site above, notice how in it you will not discover at all which Cardinal though Benedict XVI should not have resigned in the way he did, or which Cardinals have denounced Pope Francis for heresy.
Also, beware that if you visit the website, the meta data of your visit will most likely end up instantly in the hands of the CIA, MI6 or French Intelligence, even if you use a VPN service. Indeed, since the Globalists desperately need the next Pope to keep their narrative going, gathering as much information possible to determine which of their Cardinals should be so promoted is vital to maintaining that control. And you can do that very easily by gathering information from the Faithful, clandestinely, with such a website, simply by looking at the statistics of who, when, and from where visitors to that website come, and which pages they are reading.
Here is the actual website:
Found a partial copy of the pbbook ANTICHRIST . In one it’s pages it states an Antipope would be working alongside the Antichrist.
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