VATICAN desecrates Jubilee by approving Pilgrimage of Sodomites

Editor’s Note: As I said in my report yesterday about the carpet-ban on Masses at the Basilica of the Holy Cross, I think the Jubilee year is going to be a flop.

Now with this report, I urge all families and pro-family organizations to BOYCOTT the Jubilee, lest your children be sexually assaulted by strange and immoral people coming to the city to meet Pope Francis.

At this point, I will not omit to say, again, that all those who know of the Sutri Initiative, but still refuse to speak of it on their influential websites (Ann Barnhardt, Eric Sammons, Frank Walker, Michael Matt, Taylor Marshall, Dr. Anthony Stine, Matt Gaspers, ETWN, CNA, Edwin Pentin, Marco Tosatti, Andrea Cionci, Don Minutella etc. etc.) are going to merit the awful punishment for allowing Rome to “lose the Faith and become the Seat of the Antichrist”, as Our Lady warned Melanie at La Salette, because by their intentional silence about the only canonical and juridically valid way of judging the invalidity of a man’s claim to to the Papal Throne, they share in causam in the malice of Pope Francis and enable that malice to continually bear fruit.

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

10 thoughts on “VATICAN desecrates Jubilee by approving Pilgrimage of Sodomites”

  1. It amazes me that when this same propaganda was first attempted by the newspapers ( there was no internet in the e late 60s and 70s )… that the thousands of men who practiced homo sex. began to die of a previously unknown wasting and debilitating illness for which there was no cure . It was called AIDS.
    AIDS , through research, is more manageable now, but still an active disease which requires constant and expensive medical care.
    Why, oh why , can’t people choose to pray and practice virtue in all matters because these virtues are meant by God for good, and not for evil.

  2. I want to thank you Brother for bringing the Sutri Initiative to my attention. I have heard no one else talking about it. I have in turn made others aware.

  3. Things are becoming pretty clear. What did the angels say to Lot?

    “Leave now and do not look back!”

    Are we in communion with these abominations by tacitly approving them with our silence?

    At the very least we should be storming the heavens with prayers asking God to quickly judge this wicked generation before they sink the barque of Peter.

    Sutri initiative now or suffer the consequences.

  4. Hmmm……this constant ‘promotion’ of Sins Crying to Heaven for Vengeance will surely result, sooner rather than later, in the apocalyptic wrath of Almighty GOD……upon Bergoglio and his cabal and/or Rome and/or the world……

    On this Vigil of the Immaculate Conception let us all pray for our Blessed Mother’s intercession, as we know that purity, continence & chastity are sublime virtues which are not understood by the world, the flesh and the devil, nor are they sufficiently well preached & understood by the postconciliar Church……

  5. I agree with Br. Alexis’ comment in private, which I will say here in public, it’s time for the Inquisition to be restored & all these deniers of Christ and those destroying the Church with their silence and their open mouth blasphemes and promotion & acceptance of sinful life styles aka Bergoglio and all the others need to be hauled before the Inquisition for the temporal judgment it will issue.

  6. Speaking of Silence-
    Why has the Immaculate Conception been moved to Monday 12/9 this year?
    It never has been in the past.
    Where are those Trads in speaking about this?

    1. In some countries it is moved to Monday, like Feasts which fall on Sunday, in the Novus Ordo. But in Italy, it was celebrated on Sunday, replacing the 2nd Sunday of Advent. It is a decision of the national episcopal conference in your country, since these have been given the faculty by Pope John Paul II — if I remember correctly — to make such decisions.

  7. “At this point, I will not omit to say, again, that all those who know of the Sutri Initiative, but still refuse to speak of it on their influential websites”… cardinal Burke, and other cardinals, bishops, priests and deacons.

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