Editor’s Note: See what he says at 17:00 minute mark. Dr. Marshall confirms the contents of the letters disclosed and translated here at FromRome.info on Dec. 2. Dr. Marshall is shocked rightly, because he has done everything to sow doubt in the arguments that Pope Benedict XVI invalidly resigned. His disinformation project has failed miserably. Thanks be to God!
But as regards Archbishop Viganò’s Hegelian critique of the Papacy since Pius XII, the numerous reports at Ordo Militaris Radio TV show that his analysis is shallow, since it ignores the involvement of the U. S. Government in undermining the Church and launching Vatican II. Those who use this kind of critique, talk about the problem but will never do anything about it. If they did, they would be at war with the White Lodges and would have to love the Church for Christ’s sake, trusting only in the power of Christ to defend them.
Furthermore, the Archbishop’s allegation that Pope Benedict only stayed in Rome at the insistence of the Conservatives in the Vatican, is completely false. The residence of Pope Benedict XVI were he stayed for the rest of his life after February of 2013 was restored by order of Pope Benedict XVI prior to his resignation, to be his permanent residence. All testify that he himself invented the title “Pope Emeritus”.
As for Dr. Marshall, he never could figure out why the Renunciation was invalid, so the rest of his speculations about Pope Benedict XVI are not, in my mind, worth much. He must first admit to the public he was wrong and accept the objective principles of Canon Law which are very Thomistic, a thing he claims also to be, though he acts more Talmudically than Thomistically.
Br. Bugnolo,
You’ve been telling the truth on this matter and Truth will always prevail.
“My sheep hear My Voice, … I know them and they follow ME.”
– Jesus
Thanks Be To God!
You are forever right, along with AJ! Thank the Lord for you both! 🙏
God’s blessings on you both!
Taylor Marshall with his orchestration of and paying for the pacha mama Tiber dunking by Tschugel gave me sufficient demonstration of the kind of “fruit” that could be expected from him.
He responded once to my many “Benedict is Pope” live chat comments in his youtube channel videos by defending his ignorant and condescending explanation of munus and ministerium in an interview with Crhistopher Ferrara, Esq (at least, I believe that was the interview).
The same Ferrara, Esq of The Fatima Center who never once mentioned Fr. Nicholas Gruner’s public expose in 2014 of PBXVI’s ‘unresignation’. The same public expose video that conveniently went missing from The Fatima Center’s archives until Louie Verrechio of aka Catholic was able to find and then publish a copy of it. Whoops!
I have neither respect nor ears for Taylor Marshall.
Br Bugnolo, we are working on our second set of Sutri Initiative letters to the bishops of the Province of Rome as well as to those bishops around the world for whom we have contact information and who we HOPE will have ears to hear.
Great, thanks for that second round of letters!