Pope Francis’ Left Eye Problem is more serious than it appears

Editor’s Note: The problem must be serious, because none of the MSM outlets are talking about it, and Google is diverting searches to 2017, when Pope Francis fell out of the Popemobile and got a black eye, also on the left, even at the cost of breaking their own search engine: because if you set their search to reports only from the last 24 hours, they give results only from 2017!

This is something I have never seen before. Globalism usually devotes itself to erasing the past. But it appears that they are willing even to erase the present for special friends. — I wonder how much the Vatican has to pay for this kind of misinformation?

And contrary to those who say the words of the Bible are not applicable today; I counter with the perennial Catholic belief, that God’s words in Scripture are the very rules of the cosmos. And the case of Pope  Francis’ left eye problem, just after he decreed the heretical reorganization of the Church, is a case in point that God’s curse, published in Zechariah 12:4 remains true even to today; and in this God is teaching us today two truths: that Catholic Church has replaced and superseded the Israel of old, as God’s family, and that the Lord God Himself regards Pope Francis as a war-horse of globalism.

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

4 thoughts on “Pope Francis’ Left Eye Problem is more serious than it appears”

  1. Satanists actors like to cover one eye in photos to show us who they really are. Maybe our Lord is likewise showing us who Burgolio really is.

  2. Perhaps there is also a meaning to it that it is his left eye that is damaged. Just a thought.
    Ecclesiastes 10:2
    A wise man’s heart is at his right hand; but a fool’s heart at his left.

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