New Cardinals seem chosen for one sole criterion, being pro-sodomy

Editor’s  Note: If you are not using Chrome, which has an internal translator, you can read the above article in English through a google translation, here.

However, this article contains one big lie, namely, that Pope Francis is in good health. The reality is that in the past years, he has had multiple serious problems with his bowls, lungs and infections. The Vatican has often cancelled events and talks, because his health has been bad, and has issued communique’s stating that out of caution the Pope has omitted this or that event, talk or visit. All this concurs with the judgement of Judge Napolitano, who visited him in person in the spring, who said that he is bloated and near death. And the Vatican knows this because they are trying to take as much caution needed by someone whose health is so bad even a common cold is dangerous. This also seems to be the self-knowledge of Pope Francis, since now in 2024 he is again appointing a new round of Cardinals, a thing which is usually not done yearly.

Finally, there is no longer any reasonable grounds to suppose that his heretical man is anything less than a pertinacious apostate and enemy of the Church, not only because he has appointed Cardinals 10 times in the past 11 years, who share his views, but because he is appointing men who agree with him publicly in his heresy. It is scarcely possible, therefore, that the Catholic Faithful regard the College of Cardinals any longer as a trustworthy institution to chose the next successor of St. Peter — I speak here of the individual consciences of men, not of canonical facts — for now the Scandal is public, manifest and undoubted, and no one can reasonably deny it, not even the Rothschild Propaganda outlets like Reuters, as they attempt, here.

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2 thoughts on “New Cardinals seem chosen for one sole criterion, being pro-sodomy”

  1. The masonic globalists & communists & jews who have been scheming since the early 1950s how to weaken the influence of the Catholic Church on the world, their sinister strategies have borne colossal mountains of rotten fruit over the past seven decades, and what is happening right now is a logical development towards their ultimate aim which is to create a One-World-Religion which is atheist, pro-sodomy, pro-paedophilia and any other abhorrent sexual sin that satan & his wicked spirits tempt humans to commit.

    The uncanonical “election” of Cdl J-M Bergoglio to the Throne of Peter in early 2013 was a major ‘achievement’ for the masonic globalists, aided & abetted by the nefarious St Gallen Mafia.

    As I have said in a comment on another post, I pray fervently that Divine Providence will ‘call time’ on Bergoglio’s life on this mortal earth……so we must therefore pray that he, somehow, finds the courage & willpower to repent of his many manifest sins before his immortal soul receives its judgment for all eternity……

    Christus vincit; Christus regnat; Christus imperat.

  2. The overpowering influence of the Jews today is summarised in the following article: “Jerusalem Post celebrates how Jews influence the world, naming top Jews in government, media, entertainment and finance”:-

    And we know well that the Jews have been infiltrating Holy Mother Church for centuries in order to weaken Her influence on humanity – the most effective revolutions always come ‘from within’!!

    Christus vincit; Christus regnat; Christus imperat.
    St. Bridget, pray for us.

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