Fr. David Nix: Pope Benedict XVI was the pope until the day of his death

Editor’s Note: Now 22 months after the death of the Holy Father, Fr. David Nix openly declares for Pope Benedict. I will openly admit I do not like Johny-come-latelies (American metaphor for those who espouse a cause after a crisis is over) because honesty requires that we defend the truth in its day, not afterwards. Many who said Pope Benedict XVI was the pope during his life, said this because they did not actually want Pope Francis. But after Pope Benedict XVI is dead, they declare he was the pope, so that they can establish a basis for continuing to ignore Francis and do nothing canonical about it, such as many do, who have or are now embracing sedevacantism. Where have all the men gone in the Church, who want controversied ended in Councils and before the proper ecclesiastical tribunals? Why are so many clergy satisfied with acting like effetes who simply talk about problems and do nothing?

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8 thoughts on “Fr. David Nix: Pope Benedict XVI was the pope until the day of his death”

  1. Hmm, I’m pretty sure Fr. Nix has openly stated this many times before. I don’t think he is new to the “Benedict remained Pope until death” crowd. I think I remember him saying Benedict was Pope and Francis an anti-Pope on several occassions well before Benedict died.

    1. He has quipped about this before, but never spoke about it — as far as I know — in such detail and with such certitude.

  2. Brother Alexis,

    To me this Father Nix is another talking head with no solutions then or now to the crisis in the church. The Sutri Initiative is a solution that all catholics should support. The use of canon law is the only way to resolve the crisis in addition to prayer and continued loyalty to God and the Trinity.

  3. I do believe this strange situation we are in is permitted so all prophecies may be fulfilled. It is obvious to me that we are living in prophetic times. Otherwise one would have to admit that the Church has morphed into a sort of social club or worse: another Protestant confession. No such thing: the Church subsists in the wilderness, eclipsed by a band of evildoers for a short time. Something tells me we shall see strange things in the days to come. Victory is assured. Brother Bugnolo please correct me if I am wrong.

  4. Fr Nix a.k.a “Padre Peregrino” is a diocesan hermit whose main ministry is online teaching, thus he probably feels more at liberty than any parish priest or assistant priest, or indeed any priest within a religious order, to reveal the truth that Benedict XVI remained pope until his death.

    But why, having taken so long to make public the facts of the matter, does Fr Nix lack the courage to state that a Provincial Council of Rome must be called in accordance with Canon Law, to put Pope Francis ‘on trial’ to determine whether he is or is’nt a manifest heretic & freemason who has excommunicated himself by his grossly un-Catholic actions & utterances in recent years?!

    Abbot Dom Gueranger O.S.B., when compiling his monumental “The Liturgical Year” in the 19th century, oftentimes bemoaned the ‘dreadful effeminacy’ which had infected many in the hierarchy, clergy, and laymen – one can only imagine his reaction to present-day lukewarmness and worse which pervades so much of the institutional Church……

    Christus vincit; Christus regnat; Christus imperat.

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