One thought on “How Globalists took over Wikipedia & ideologically twist its articles: A Case Study”

  1. Brother Alexis, I seem to recall you commenting, oftentimes, about the demise of Wikipedia as an unbiased source of truth. This ‘case study’ is confirmation of just how far it has been manipulated by sinister organisations from the original intentions of its founder, Larry Sanger, since its launch in 2001.

    And now, Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, has at last been able to give his personal testimony, in public, of the grim truth behind his incarceration and, in particular, the direct involvement of the CIA who appeared to have every intention of silencing him……for ever! Here is the link to Julian’s heartfelt testimony given, earlier this week, to the Legal Affairs & Human Rights Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe [PACE] in Strasbourg, France:-

    George Orwell’s dystopian “1984” published in 1949 was a prophetic nightmare…….but today’s sordid realities seem to have moved beyond his wildest & most frightening dreams!!

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