One thought on “Day 4 of the Novena to Saint Louis IX, the Crusader King (Video)”

  1. Belated thanks for this enlightening series of videos, from which I have already learnt much about St Louis IX, a ‘proper’ Catholic King indeed…….unlike what we have here in England, a protestant/globalist/adulterous/covetous/vain ‘king’ who has probably never been taught that “the wages of sin is death” and that Humility is the greatest virtue……and that his heretical/schismatic Church of England has no valid sacrament of Reconciliation!

    Protestantism is essentially self-destructive – as we are witnessing in many Christian denominations almost five centuries after Lucifer, sorry, Luther [!!] separated himself and his followers from the Roman Catholic church.
    The only true Ecumenism is for Catholics to encourage & persuade their separated brethren to ‘come home to Rome’.

    Christus vincit;
    Christus regnat;
    Christus imperat.

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