3 thoughts on “Day 2 of the Novena to Saint Louis IX, the Crusader King (video)”

  1. This is absolutely enlightening! I wonder where I could buy
    a book on this subject of avoiding near occasions of sin? Thank
    you so much for taking the time to teach this. So we can truly
    become faithful Catholics.

    1. A near occasion of sin is any circumstance, freely chosen or entered into, in which we end up sinning. It could be a place, a person, a piece of clothing, a way of doing something, some beverage or food, or furniture, passtime, club, car, etc.. When you examen your conscience before Confession you should have the habit of recalling how it came to pass that you sinned, not only your wrong state of mind or motives, but what induced you to it. A good confessor should be able to help you, if you can find one. However, in matters of impurity, it is not good to think of the occasions of sin, until you first clense the flesh of impurity by a serious fast without eating or drinking and by abstaining from rich foods, drinks so as to weaken the sensitivity of body and mind enough. Often we only recognize occasions of sin after many failures, because pride blinds the mind so much we cannot see the mud we throw ourselves into like pigs.

  2. Thank you. No wonder why fasting with collation of meals has no effect. It should be a strict fast, like the Nicene fast.

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