SPAIN: Archbishop of Burgos excommunicates 4 Belorado Poor Clares

Editor’s Note: Pope Francis seems determined to go down in the history books of the Church as the Pope who talked most about welcoming, while excommunicating more Catholics than any previous pope in recent memory.

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3 thoughts on “SPAIN: Archbishop of Burgos excommunicates 4 Belorado Poor Clares”

  1. Bishop Iceta said in his first televised interview once the news broke of the nuns sedevacantism, that he thought that what was necessary was a period of reflection…. I expected it to be a number of months even a year not 5 weeks. I suppose this decision was taken by Pope Francis.

    Last weekend I spoke with the confessor of these nuns and he told me that the nuns used to participate in gourmet chocolate competitions on TV . They aslo did a ton of renovations (chapel, hospice, chalet) on their relatively new monestery in Derio, and then suddenly abandoning it and moving to an old convent in Orduña that required 1.5M€ renovations. So it seems they had quite worldly habits.

    He also mentioned that their previous mother superior, who would not have allowed this new direction has dementia and is not aware of what is going on. The “new” mother superior is an artist by training and led a bohemian lifestyle before entering religious life.

    I had intended on dropping by to speak to them but they put a no trespassing sign outside of their Belorado convent and they don’t answer the door. They don’t answer the phone or the door. The only way to reach them is by email.

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