Editor’s Note: The Chega Party, lead by a former Catholic Seminarian, Andre’ Ventura, won a stunning victory in the snap elections in Portugal in March, gaining 50 seats in Parliament. But Mark Zuckerberg, the far left Ashkenazi owner of Facebook has declared open war against this new party, and is striving to do anything he can to eliminate it from public life in Portugal. – The crime? “Disrespecting” Face Book’s “community standards!!
If you are a Catholic you might want to make a decision based on your social media usage, on account on Facebooks glaring and vicious bigotry against Catholics in politics in their own native lands.
“Community Standards” for FB evidently has no place for Catholics and those who want their native Christian homelands preserved.
“CHEGA” means “enough”. Not only in Portugal but worldwide we are tired of the Marxist hordes. I pray that God will end their activities as soon as possible.
I for one abandoned FB in 2020 or earlier if I remember well. It was a lot of wasted time. I hope to abandon most exposure to social media soon.
I wouldn’t touch FB with a 50 metre barge pole.