GERMANY: FOIA released Govt. Documents prove the Pandemic was a total Scam

FromRome.Info has been vindicated 100% again! — It took independent investigators 4 years to obtain the documents to prove what FromRome.Info has reported since March of 2020:

  • 1) There is no pandemic
  • 2) There is a massive conspiracy to lie.
  • 3) There never was a SarsCoV2 virus.
  • 4) Everyone who died, died because of intentionally deadly procedures.

For more information about the above report, see the original source, here.

UPDATE: The DeathVaxxes are causing an enormous rate of increase of the mortality rates for cancer among the elderly:

A Note on “Dignitas Infinita”

FromRome.Info will not be discussing or citing this document from the “Dicastery” for the Doctrine of the Faith, because, we recognize that with the Apostolic See impeded by the heretical profession contained in “Fiducia supplicans”, there is no possible Catholic response or acceptance of “Dignitas infinita”.

We also recognize that all those in the Church who do recognize this latest document and discuss it, are implicitly saying that “Fiducia supplicans” is acceptable or tolerable and that the Apostolic See is not impeded.

As has been said before, the very notion that man has by nature an “infinite dignity” or that by grace man is exalted to an infinite dignity is heretical and nonsensical as well as irrational, because by the very fact that man is a creature his dignity (a term which always refers to the inherent being of a thing) remains always limited, even when restored and redeemed in Christ. Only the dignity of Christ is infinite, because of the Hypostatic Union, and after Him only the dignity of the Mother of God is “quasi infinite” for having begotten the same One, Him who is Greater than the Universe.

The ongoing Demise of those in the Church who refused to recognize the Truth

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

We are witnessing the downfall of Rome, as we speak. It has been in freefall since Feb. 11, 2013. And those who read FromRome.Info regularly know why.

More than 99% of the clergy have refused, and still refuse, to seriously consider and thus recognize that Pope Benedict XVI never abdicated on that day. They refused because they wanted not to rock the boat. They did not recognize, because it would cost them their pay check.

But at the same time, they lacked the intellectual formation to see what was in front of their face, just as those who use social media or watch TV, etc., habitually, were not able to see and recognize the Pandemic as a total Scam. Many still cannot. Many will never be able to do so.

It may sound anti-populist or anti-democratic to say it, but a great number of individuals are fools because they chose and want not to see the truth. They firmly want to live in a world of lies, deceit and fraud.

The light of truth hurts their feelings, interests and goals just too much.

This week we have 2 articles in the news which illustrate this with elegance. The first is an article by an anonymous author, who signs his name, F. P., about the nonsensical rules and interpretations of rules under the “pontificate” of Pope Francis.

Published by Silere Non Possum in Italian, here, and in English translation by Catholic Conclave, here.

The first irony of which is that Silere Non Possum, whose name means, “I cannot be silent”, refused to speak about the truth that Pope Benedict XVI never abdicated, and instead chose to ridicule those who did.

The second irony of which is that Catholic Conclave, regards the very uncatholic and juridically invalid “Conclave” of 2013 as Catholic and valid.

But it is F. P. who is very slowly recognizing that the institutionalized incompetence under the “pontificate” of Pope Francis is truly unique in Catholic History. He just cannot figure out why before Feb. 11, 2013, juridical texts made sense, but now they don’t. He even cannot bring himself to name that date!

The second article is by Cardinal Brandmueller, the Lutheran who converted to the Catholic Faith as a youth, and then became a priest, bishop and Cardinal. He lives in the Vatican.

He writes here in German, and his article can be read in English here. He denounces how the push under the “pontificate” of Bergoglio and the pontificate of Pope Francis toward including lay men and women in roles of “responsibility” has led to utter chaos in the Church, and that therefore the Synodal Process has turned out to be totally fake, a waste of time, and merely a cover for an ideological takeover of the Church.

Yet, like F. P. he cannot figure out the cause of the problem. He simply hopes that somehow, in some way, the local parish priest can get free of the entanglements of laypeople who want to run the Church and return to preaching the Gospel and saving souls, rather than promoting inclusion and diversity.

A Diagnosis

In the olden days before cellphones, if you became lost on foot in any place, you knew to open a paper road map or ask directions from the next human being you met, who appeared to be trustworthy.

But now that everyone uses cellphones too much, the fools do not know how to find their way back, because for them the only lie, the only dishonestly, is saying that Pope Benedict XVI never abdicated, or worse, that words have objective meaning, and even if 99% of the clergy say otherwise, “munus:” does not mean “ministerium” and vice-versa.

As for the Cardinal, I wrote his secretary in November of 2019, to obtain an audience to explain these things, and received an email months later saying he was too sick and weak to respond. He has evidently been too weak and sick for all these years, and he still cannot figure out the cause of his illness, which is above all spiritual.

VATICAN: Pope Francis to remove both Roman Cardinal & Bishop who exposed Rupnik


Editor’s Note: In this update, from Catholic News Agency, there is a serious discrepancy with the historical record, Since that arctile claims that De Donatis praised the work of Fr. Rupnik, but the Cardinal in fact denounced the handling of the case of spiritual abuse, see here on Dec. 23, 2022 A. D..

Bishop Eleganti: Pope Francis is gravely responsible for approving the Scandemic

Editor’s Note: This is an excellent on the point criticism of Pope Francis, explaining why — even if he were perfectly orthodox, which he is absolutely not — he should burn in Hell for all eternity for what he did during the Pandemic, right along with Bill Gates and the president of the WEF.

However, don’t forget that LifeSite news which is publishing the piece by Bishop Eleganti, was the same LifeSite news which told Catholics to wear the DeathMask and comply with the Lockdowns.

VATICAN: Wind blows down Icon of Christ the Redeemer at Papal Mass

Editor’s Note: It is an ancient Catholic belief, that Icons are windows to Heaven, and that those who look at them with faith are seen by those depicted in the Icons, from the realm of Heaven. This being so, evidently the Lord simply cannot stand the sight of Pope Francis celebrating Mass any more, since by his utter perfidy against the Catholic Faith, Pope Francis has made his celebration of the Sacraments nothing more than an act of pure hypocrisy.

This sign follows that of the lighting which stripped the statue of Saint Peter, in Argentina, of its halo and keys, the day before Pope Francis published ‘Fiducia supplicans’ (with his own signature on it). For more on that, see here, and here.

The 700th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Bl. Tommaso of Vives, Mercedarian

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Seven hundred years ago, on March 14, a brave Catholic Friar of the Sovereign and Royal Order of Our Lady of Mercy, was stoned to death by the Muslims of North Africa.

His name was Tommaso of Vives, and you can see his portrait above in the Featured Image of this article. The Original is kept in the City of Cagliari, Sardinia.

This French Friar was arrested by the Moors after having gone on a Mission to preach the Holy Name of Jesus and seek their conversion. He was imprisoned for 5 years in Tunisia, ostensibly because they sought to ransom him back for money.

The Muslims had accused him of “blasphemy” of the name of their prophet.

As he died, Saint Thomas was given a vision of heavenly glory.

He died on Wednesday, March 14, 1324 A. D., 700 years ago.

And on his feast day he worked a miracle for Save Old St. Mary’s Inc., which because of a legal mix-up, was at risk of losing its tax exempt status in US law, until the very day of his 700th Anniversary.

You see, under President Donald Trump the tax laws were modified for US Non profits. Before they filed their annual reports by surface mail, on paper forms; but with the change they had to file them electronically.

However, due to the novelty of the law neither the IRS nor accountants in the USA were prepared to file or receive these notices electronically. That meant for many U. S. non profits, that when they filed their returns, their returns were send back to them by the IRS for non compliance with the new regulation.

For 3 years after the new law was passed, Save Old St. Mary’s continued to file its return on paper, since it could not find an agency to file electronically. So in February of 2023, the IRS suspended its tax-exempt status, without explaining how to regain the status.

So after a year of legal research and a lot of paperwork, the IRS reinstated Save Old St. Mary’s Inc. retro-actively,* non profit status as a 501(c)(3) Private Foundation, on March 14, 2024.

Thank you Bl. Tommaso. What an honor that you gave us this gift on the 7th Centenary of your Martyrdom!

I think he worked this miracle because the non profit was founded on Nov. 20, 2004, the Feast Day of St. Felix of Valois, who is the co-founder of the Trinitarian Order, another order dedicated to rescuing Catholics kidnapped by Muslims.

Save Old St. Mary’s Inc., is the non profit which assists the readers of FromRome.Info make donations to my apostolate and apostolic works. Donations to this 501(c)(3) may be deductible in the USA; see sites like this one, for more information about how to qualify, when donation more than $250 USD.

Here is a holy card For Blessed Tommaso, who is considered a Saint by his order:

An interesting side note is this, that the Mercedarian Order, to which Bl. Tommaso belonged, was co-founded by Saint Raymond Penyafort, O. P., the patron of Canon Lawyers, who died on January 6th, the same day as Pope Benedict XVI’s funeral.

* Retro-actively here means that the accusation by the IRS of non compliance is wiped from the record, and all donations by supporters in the last 3 years retain their ability to be tax-deductible.