The Scamdemic was a U.S. Military Psyop — A Review

Editor’s Note: Keep watching this video and those like it, until you not only understand but realize the truth that the leaders of the world are psychopathic murderers and must be removed from office. A good number of Catholic Bishops, too, are complicit and will be damned for ever for what they did. You owe no obedience in Christ to someone who tried to kill you. Live it. Say it to everyone. — While as Christians, if they repent and ask forgiveness, we can forgive, politically we must never forgive or forget but remove all these persons from power and never promote or vote for them ever again.

ITALY: In 90 Days, Court will decide to expell or not Steve Bannon’s Gladiator School from Trisulti

Editor’s Note: FromRome.Info had reported the expulsion order back in 2021, here. Since then Bannon’s sponsored organization, the Human Dignity Institute won against the administrative charges of a fraudulent proposal, and now his British representative in Italy, Harwell has been absolved from criminal charges of fraud in the offering of the place for rent.

However, despite the accolades from American outlets, this Yahoo article notes that the judge in the case will render final judgement in 90 days, after which the Ministry of Culture can appeal the decision. So it is by no means clear that Bannon’s Judeo-Masonic “Gladiator School” for “conservative” political activism will get the place.

Let us pray that it does not. Trisulti is a former Catholic Monastery sanctified by the prayers and penances of Carthusian Hermits for more than 650 years. It should be returned to sacred use of monastic life and/or the promotion of the Catholic Faith. The monks who lived and died there, and who now reign in Heaven, are without a doubt in 100% agreement.

The property was confiscated by the Kingdom of Italy as part of its program to destroy the power and influence of the Catholic Religion in Italy, more than 150 years ago. But after World War II, Cistercian monks obtained use of the place to attempt a refoundation of monastic life. In recent years, they gave up on that proposal and the monastery returned to the use of the State which, in 2018 offered it for free rent to whomsoever could promise to pay 100 thousand Euro for each year for the next century, in addition to restoring the structure (which probably will cost 50 million euro or more) and putting it to good use. — Italian law requires that ancient buildings be restored with original methods and materials, in a precise manner, which is very costly to replicate and time consuming. Restoration work could conceivable take 10 years or more.

To my knowledge, Steven Bannon has no the funds to restore the building, however, and is buying time to raise the funds. If the court rules in his favor, then he might be able to convince donors to sign on to such a project.

In Italy, civil and criminal cases related to them are heard together in the same court and by the same judge, and normally take at least 5 years to resolve.

USA Government wants Assange extradited for exposing US Military’s war crimes

Editor’s Note: I cannot say that I have followed this story ever. But this is the first report I have seen which says all: in detailing that the “classified information” that Assange published was nothing other than a video showing US Military personnel commuting war crimes in Iraq, something journalists in the U.S.A. have been publishing for decades, it shows that the substance of the case against him is worthless charges. Shame on every president in the last 10 years who wanted Assange’s head. He is a true hero for humanity.

Orthodox Copts suspend Dialogue with Catholic Church over ‘Fiducia supplicans’

Editor’s Note: The Coptic Orthodox Church has shown that it is more Catholic than the Catholic Bishops world wide, who still have not refused communion with the public heretic, Pope Francis, over the blasphemous document ‘Fiducia supplicans’.

Indeed, it is a shame that barely two dozen readers of FromRome.Info have signed on to the Sutri Initiative.

If God destroyed the world today, I believe He would be fully justified. In fact, most of us probably deserve it, because we have done NOTHING or TOO LITTLE to defend the HOLY NAME OF GOD.

SPAIN: Priests gag themselves after praying in “bad taste” for Pope Francis

Editor’s Note: The lack of true virtue and authentic masculinity among priests after Vatican II has become notorious. But cases like this one make one shake one’s head in sadness.

If you would like to pray for Pope Francis, suggests this prayer, and we are not ashamed to share it.

It is not inapropos  to observe that this YouTube Channel was entitled,, “The Sacristy of the Vendee”, because the Catholic rebels of the Vendee, in France, at the time of the revolution, did rebel, but also did eventually surrender. So their name was a true reflection of the spirituality they practiced.

Fr. Gerald Murray: ‘Fiducia supplicans’ is heretical, must be withdrawn & ignored by all

Editor’s Note: While I am continually amazed at the intellectual incapacity of theologians to see the fundamental error in ‘Fiducia supplicans’, Fr. Murray is not off the mark in the critique he gives in this interview with Diana Montagna, where he says things that are obvious to all who have read the document nearly 3 months ago. He however fails to say that those who signed the document must be suspected of heresy and apostasy, and put on trial.

The Sutri Initiative calls for such a trial. Join it and write the Bishops named therein to call for such a Council. For if these men are not put on trial by Catholics, every Catholic will eventually be put on trial by heretics.

BENIN: Opus Dei priest threatened with canonically invalid expulsion by superiors

Editor’s Note: The facts of the case are these: the Reverend Père Janvier Gbéno has been summoned to the adjacent nation of Ivory Coast, to be subjected to a extra-judicial proceeding by his regional superior in the prelature of Opus Dei in accord with canon 1720.  Here, “extra-judicial” does not mean illegal, but rather a hearing which is not before an Ecclesiastical court invested with jurisdiction, since Opus Dei is a prelacy which holds jurisdiction over no territory. Thus, Father Gbéno is to be tried before his regional superior in Opus Dei.  The charges are violations of decrees issued during the anti-papacy of Pope Francis or by entities erected during that time, and thus are void of all legal merit and juridical validity. For this reason, any decision whatsoever his superiors make against him will be null and void by reason of the legal error. — Furthermore, if one considers the charges on their merits, namely that Father Gbéno scandalizes the faithful for publicly denouncing Pope Francis as a pertinacious manifest and formal heretic, what Father Gbéno is doing is not a crime, but honesty. The “extra-judicial” trial, therefore, is nothing more than a Soviet style “show trial” where the decision and the sentence have already been decided, and where the purpose of the same is to show the regime that the one’s handing down the judgment are loyal lackeys thereof.

While I disagree with Father Gbéno‘s assertion that Pope Francis is not and has never been the true pope, I hold that it is unreasonable given the facts and the great confusion among Catholics, to hold that it is a canonical crime for him to say so. until the Church Herself in Council hands down a decision clarifying the matter of the validity or invalidity of the renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI and thus of the election of Pope Francis.

FromRome.Info’s reporting on Covid vindicated by CDC and Wall Street Journal

Editor’s Note: Vindicated, here, means that FromRome.Info was right in saying COVID was never a deadly plague, which needed masking, social distancing or vaccines of any kind.

If you are a litigation attorney, dedicate yourself to legitimate vengeance by specializing in seeking damages for those who were injured in any way, health, work, psychology, religious rights, etc.. by the Scamdemic. And if you are not, urge all victims to find such an attorney and sue those responsible. This is true honesty, righteousness and justice.  These crimes should NEVER be forgiven in civil law, or else others will perpetrate the greater.

And for all those who say I am not a medical excerpt and therefore no one should ever have listened to me, reply: “It is true, Br. Bugnolo has no medical credentials at all; but how was it he knew the truth about COVID 4 years before the CDC?”